Saturday, December 28, 2019

African American History and Women Timeline

What have African American women contributed to American history? How have they been affected by historical events? Find out in the timeline, which includes these: events featuring African American womenbirth and death dates for many notable African American womengeneral African American events which had significant impact on African American women and families as well as menevents involving key women whose work influenced African American history, for instance the involvement of many European American women in anti-slavery workbirth and death dates for key women whose work was important in African American history, for instance in anti-slavery or civil rights work Start with the timeline period youre most interested in: [1492-1699]  [1700-1799] [1800-1859] [1860-1869] [1870-1899] [1900-1919] [1920-1929] [1930-1939] [1940-1949] [1950-1959] [1960-1969] [1970-1979] [1980-1989] [1990-1999] [2000-] Women and African American History: 1492-1699 1492 †¢ Columbus discovered America, from the perspective of Europeans. Queen Isabella of Spain declared all indigenous peoples her subjects, in the lands claimed by Columbus for Spain, preventing the Spanish conquerors from enslaving the Native Americans. The Spanish thus looked elsewhere for the labor they needed to take advantage of the New Worlds economic opportunities. 1501 †¢ Spain permitted African slaves to be sent to the Americas 1511 †¢ first African slaves arrived in Hispaniola 1598 †¢ Isabel de Olvero, part of the Juan Guerra de Pesa Expedition, helped to colonize what has since become New Mexico 1619 †¢ (August 20) 20 men and women from Africa arrived on a slave ship and were sold in the first North American slave auction -- by British and international custom, Africans could be held in servitude for life, though white Christian indentured servants could only be held for a limited term 1622 †¢ Anthony Johnson, son of an African mother, arrived in Virginia. He lived with his wife, Mary Johnson, in Accomack on Virginias Eastern Shore, the first free Negroes in Virginia (Anthony taking his last name from his original master). Anthony and Mary Johnson eventually founded the first free black community in North America, and themselves held servants for life. 1624 †¢ Virginia census lists 23 Negroes including some women; ten have no names listed and the rest only first names, likely indicating lifetime servitude -- none of the women are listed as married 1625 †¢ Virginia census lists twelve black men and eleven black women; most have no names and do not have the dates of arrival that most white servants in the census have listed -- only one of the black men and women has a full name listed 1641 †¢ Massachusetts legalized slavery, specifying that a child inherited its status from the mother, rather than the father, reversing English common law about 1648 †¢ Tituba born (Salem witch trials figure; probably of Carib not African heritage) 1656 †¢ Elizabeth Key, whose mother was a slave and father was a white planter, sued for her freedom, claiming her fathers free status and her baptism as grounds -- and the courts upheld her claim 1657 A daughter of a free Negro Anthony Johnson, Jone Johnson, was given 100 acres of land by Debeada, an Indian ruler. 1661 †¢ Maryland  passed a law making every person of African descent in the colony a slave, including all children of African descent at birth whatever the free or enslaved status of the childs parents. 1662 †¢ Virginia House of Burgesses passed a law that a childs status followed the mothers, if the mother was not white, contrary to English common law in which the fathers status determined the childs 1663 †¢ Maryland passed a law under which free white women would lose their freedom if they married a black slave, and under which the children of white women and black men became slaves 1664 †¢ Maryland became the first of the future states to pass a law making it illegal for free English women to marry Negro slaves 1667 †¢ Virginia passed a law stating that baptism  could not free slaves by birth 1668 †¢ Virginia legislature declared that free black women were to be taxed, but not white women servants or other white women; that negro women, though permitted to enjoy their freedome could not have the rights of the English. 1670 †¢ Virginia passed a law that Negroes or Indians, even those free and baptized, could not purchase any Christians, but could purchase any of their owne nation [race] (i.e. free Africans could buy Africans and Indians could buy Indians) 1688 †¢ Aphra Behn (1640-1689, England) published the anti-slavery Oroonoka, or the History of the Royal Slave, first novel in English by a woman 1691 †¢ The term white is first used, rather than specific terms like English or Dutchman, in a law referring to English or other white women. 1692 †¢ Tituba disappeared from history (Salem witch trials figure; probably of Carib not African heritage) [Next] [1492-1699] [1700-1799] [1800-1859] [1860-1869] [1870-1899] [1900-1919] [1920-1929] [1930-1939] [1940-1949] [1950-1959] [1960-1969] [1970-1979] [1980-1989] [1990-1999] [2000-]

Friday, December 20, 2019

Antigone and Othello Tragic Heroes Essay examples

Othello and Antigone are both tragic heroes. They do great deeds and have great power or strength. For example, Othello defeats Venices enemies. Antigone makes sure that a Theban right is a Theban due. But fatal character flaws destroy the lives of the two heroes. Both of them suffer from pride and uncontrolled passion. Othello is so proud of his integrity and courage that he doesnt recognize his violent temper and his manipulability by Iago. Antigone is so proud of her commitment to the true, the right, the proper, and the correct that she doesnt respect differing, less passionate opinions. Antigone tragic specific representation in the law between the country and God, while Othello tragic is reflected in Othello’s character defect.†¦show more content†¦In accordance with the concept of nature, the tragedy of the conflict cannot maintain itself; it must deny themselves, in which the tragedy of denying itself the solution of the conflict must actively out --- the eter nal justice. Eternal justice with the tragedy of figures revealed the destruction of their purpose, their respective maintained its individual specificity (one-sided) damage to the ethical entity and its unity, a calm state; but this one do with the particularity of the destruction, eternal justice put the ethics of physical unity bounce back. In Hegels view, eternal justice is not an external evaluation contracting power, such as the end of the world in general to the god of evil and promoting the ultimate punishment, but as a direct negation inherent in the conflict, it denied both by the one-sidedness which reveals itself. Othello is a frank and straightforward, honorable people. He believed that life is good, and society is fair; he treat people with sincerity, and believed that he can be received with honor. He wholeheartedly loves Desdemona, his own honor and dignity of all their faith in the awful happy marriage. Yet just at this time Igon told him that Desdemona has affair with its own honorable lieutenant Cassio, he was overwhelmed by this sudden blow, psychology began to lose balance, Othello caught in the pain and contradiction, a moment that Desdemona is chastity, and the next minuteShow MoreRelatedTragic Hero1598 Words   |  7 PagesTragic Hero From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia A tragic hero is a protagonist with a tragic flaw, also known as fatal flaw, which eventually leads to his demise. The concept of the tragic hero was created in ancient Greek tragedy and defined by Aristotle. Usually, the realization of fatal flaw results in catharsis or epiphany. The tragic flaw is sometimes referred to as an Achilles heel after the single fatal flaw of the Greek warrior Achilles. [citation needed] Aristotelian tragicRead MoreClassical Tragedies And Romantic Tragedies2060 Words   |  9 Pagesbefore. Playwrights were given the opportunity to take from a wide selection of human events and create new forms of tragedy rather than producing sterile imitations of overdone myth and legend. â€Å"He may even mingle the serious and the comic and produce tragic-comedy, like Hamlet, or serious comedy, like Measure for Measure† (Gerhard 18). This provides spectacular comparisons in Greek tragedy and Romantic tragedy and what was accepted in the culture of the time. As Haigh puts it â€Å"According to the prevailingRead More The tragic in Antony and Cleopatra Essay3706 Words   |  15 PagesThe tragic in Antony and Cleopatra His captains heart, Which in the scuffles of great fights hath burst The buckles on his breast, reneges all temper And is become the bellows and the fan To cool a gipsys lust. Antony and Cleopatra seems to have a special place in Shakespeares works because it is at a crossroad between two types of play. It clearly belongs to what are generally called the Roman plays, along with Coriolanus and Julius Caesar. But it is also considered a tragedy. TheRead MoreA Summary On Tragedy 2914 Words   |  12 Pageswere the ideas of Aristotle challenged and his explanation of a tragic work established the format of tragedy. Aristotle was never questioned and thus his explanation of tragedy stood for centuries however, as literature develops the requirements of a tragedy have begun to change. In current tragedies not all tragic heroes suffer because of a specific tragic error, not all tragic plots contain scenes of recognition, and not all heroes are recognized individuals. Numerous types of dramas have developedRead MoreThe Renaissance and It’s Affect on William Shakespeare’s Works2369 Words   |  10 Pagesby the Church. The genre of tragedy is rooted in the Greek dramas of Aeschylus (525-456 B.C., e.g. the Oresteia and Prometheus Bound), Euripides (ca. 480?-405 B.C., e.g. Medeaand The Trojan Women) and Sophocles (496-406 B.C., e.g. Oedipus Rex and Antigone). While Shakespeare probably did not know Greek tragedy directly, he would have been familiar with the Latin adaptations of Greek drama by the Roman (i.e. Latin-language) playwright Seneca (ca. 3 B.C.-65 A.D.; his nine tragedies include a MedeaRead MoreThe Origins Of Drama And Theatre2001 Words   |  9 PagesMerriam-Webster Dictionary). This refers to drama being performed live by actors on a stage. Ancient Greece is accredited to inventing theatre and drama. In Greece during that time, at the height of popularity, were the stories of the well known flawed heroes and their journeys. Ancient Greece Comedy was a popular type of play in Ancient Greece, only second to Tragedy. These types were described in many details in Poetics, by Aristotle. He expressed that a comedy is â€Å"an imitation of inferior peopleRead MoreEssay Prompts4057 Words   |  17 PagesBless Me,Ultima One Hundred Years of Solitude Catch-22 Othello Crime and Punishment The Scarlet Letter The Crucible Slaughterhouse-Five A Farewell to Arms Song of Solomon Ghosts The Stone Angel The Great Gatsby The Stranger Heart of Darkness A Tale of Two Cities The House of Mirth Their Eyes Were Watching God Jude the Obscure 2003 (Form A): According to critic Northrop Frye, â€Å"Tragic heroes are so much the highest points in their human landscape that

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Blame For Ww1 Essay Research Paper The free essay sample

Blame For Ww1 Essay, Research Paper The incrimination of get downing World War One is an issue that until today is still non resolved. Many historiographers every bit good as committees tried to happen the state or individual responsible for the war but their findings are really different. This issue is unresolved because no one individual, event or state is to the full responsible for the eruption of war ; it was the actions and fortunes that existed before the war, between the states that fought, that triggered the beginning of World War One. Sidney Bradshaw Fay was one of the people who wrote about the guilty party of the First World War. Fay states that none of the European states wanted war nevertheless in each of the states, political and military leaders did certain things that lead to the declarations of war and the mobilisation of military personnels. These leaders besides failed to detain the oncoming of war. Harmonizing to Fay each state was, to some grade, guilty of the war. Fay wrote that Austria was more responsible for the immediate cause of the war than any other state. He writes that Austria was moving in self-defence against the gnawing Serbian and Jugoslav agitation which her leaders believed threaded he being. Besides after the shot of the archduke, Count leopard von Berchtold, the Austrian foreign curate hastily declared war against Serbia in order to prevent all attempts at mediation. He even refused the advice of his Alliess to come to an understanding with Russia, on the footing of a military business of Belgrade as a pledge that Serbia would transport out the promises in her answer to the ultimatum. Fay wrote in Origins of the World War that Serbia was partly responsible for the eruption of war. Like any other state in the 19th century they wanted to be liberated from foreign regulation. When Serbia looked for aid from Russia the two states became Alliess. Therefore after the shot of Archduke Francis Ferdinand, Mr. Pashitch the Prime Minister of Serbia took no stairss to detect who committed the blackwash. When Austria asked Serbia to assist them happen the individuals responsible for the offense, Serbia refused. He besides wrote that it turns out that Mr. Pashitch was cognizant of the secret plan to kill the Archduke three hebdomads before it occurred but did nil to halt the bravos from traversing the lodger. Serbia s guilt lies in the fact that notwithstanding the information the Prime Minister had nil was done to forestall the program from being completed. Germany excessively was in portion responsible for war. Harmonizing to Fay Germany largely tried to forestall the eruption of war nevertheless, Germany s geographical place lead to their demand to protect themselves. Germany is between Russia and France where Germans felt really threatened. They felt that they should protect themselves since Russia was likely to step in in the Balkan Problem and that England would non remain impersonal but ally itself with France. Harmonizing to Fay German mobilisation was an act of self-defense and Germany did non at all want war. Fay continued to compose that Russia besides was partially responsible for the Austro-Serbian struggle because it often encouraged Belgrade ; Serbian national integrity would be achieved with Russian aid at Austrian disbursal. Because of this encouragement Serbia thought she could acquire assist from Russia in instance of war with Austria. Otherwise Serbia would hold non done so many things that threatened peace. However Russia was non every bit ready as she appeared, she was still retrieving from the Russo-Japanese war and was non ready for a European battle with Teutonic Powers, said Fay. Due to their unprepared state of affairs, Russia put restraints on Serbia. But in the spring of 1914, Russia felt they reigned much of what they lost in the Russ-Japanese war and were ready to contend Europe, which make Serbia confident in her actions sing the blackwash of the Archduke. Harmonizing to Fay the portion that France played in the induction of the war is less clear, because France has non made a full publication of their paperss. However during the President Maurice Paleogue s visit to Russia it is clear that he told the Tsar that France would back Russia, as an ally in forestalling Austria for mortifying or powderizing Serbia. The president was really supportive and did non seek to keep Russia from military steps which he knew would name forth German counter-measures and cause war, wrote Fay. Therefore the Russian Gallic confederation would do France to take some of the incrimination of the First World War, because of the Gallic support of Russia. Harmonizing to Fay, the mistake of Great Britain in forestalling the World War was because Sir Edward Grey did non make one of two things, which coul vitamin D have prevented war. Fay wrote If early in the crisis, he had acceded to the goad of France and Russia and given a strong warning to Germany that, in a European War, England would take the side of the Franco-Russian Alliance, this would hold led Bethmann to exercise an earlier and more effectual force per unit area on Austria. If this had merely been known, the war could hold been prevented because, as Fay thinks, Austria would hold non declared war on Serbia. Fay besides wrote that if Sir Edward Grey had listened to German goad, and warned Russia and France before in the crisis, war could hold been prevented if England stated that they would stay impersonal. England s nonpartizan mentality would hold made Russia hesitate with her mobilisation and France would hold put force per unit area on St. Petersburg to hold peace negotiations alternatively of traveling to war. The Commission on War Guilt was came up with it s ain guilty party on the cause the First World War. Harmonizing to the Commission the chiefly duty remainders foremost on Germany, secondly on Turkey and Bulgaria. The duty is made all the graving tool by ground of the misdemeanor by Germany and Austria of the neutrality of Belgium and Luxembourg, which they themselves had guaranteed. The first ground that Germany and Austria-Hungary are at mistake, harmonizing to the committee, is the empathic ultimatum with a really short clip bound they sent to Belgrade. They expected Serbia to non accept the ultimatum giving them grounds to pay war on Serbia. In order to keep peace Serbia s Alliess urged the state to hold to the demands. They yielded. But Germany mobilized before they received Serbia s understanding to the ultimatum. The Commission besides wrote that they Entente Powers tried to happen a peaceable solution of the difference. On July 25, Sir Edward Grey proposed mediation but Germany refused saying that this war was an issue or arbitration non of mediation. The undermentioned twenty-four hours Russia tried to negociate straight with Austria but the offer was refused. The twenty-four hours after that England wanted to keep a European conference but Germany refused. The Commission fundamentally regards Germany and Austria as the chief grounds that the war broke out and was non controlled. Bernadotte E. Schmitt besides wrote about the cause of the First World War. He wrote that many of the factors that lead to the war happened many old ages before, in the bend of the century. For illustration the October Crisis and so some old ages subsequently the Balkan Wars in 1912-13. Harmonizing to Schmitt, Germany was at mistake because they felt that they could win the war on the premise that England would stay impersonal ; but England did fall in the ground forces on the opposing side. Germany besides thought that war was a good agencies of covering with the threat of socialism, which seemed to be steadily increasing, wrote Schmitt. He besides wrote that without Germany being portion of the confederation system the war would hold neer broke out. Austria-Hungary was at mistake for making the untimatum. They could hold predicted that Serbia would accept about anything to forestall war. However even though Austria go the ultimatum they broke off diplomatic dealingss and declared war on Serbia on July 28. Russia s duty lies in the fact that they supported Serbia in military power. Even though Russia was still seeking to retrieve from the Russo-Japanese war, they were willing to assist Serbia in a war against Germany. Their chief ground for making this was to guarantee that Russia could still utilize Serbia as entree to the Mediterranean they needed for trade and military intents. Each of these three positions on the war guilt have valid points, nevertheless this means that no one state is personally responsible for the war. The shot of the Archduke, although believed to be the chief ground for war, was merely a little part of the cause. If the Archduke was non changeable some other small thing would hold brought out the mounting tenseness felt by they European states. It is besides non just ot say that chiefly Germany and Austria were at mistake. The other states tried to hold peace negotiations, nevertheless nowhere is it written what each state s grounds were for holding these negotiations. Possibly their dockets were non as clear or good as they appeared on the surface. The confederation system was one of the chief grounds for the war. In a state of affairs where every state must be loyal to another in instance of a war, no 1 remains impersonal to intercede in the war. Had the system non existed any war that potentially broke out between Austria and Serbia could hold been stopped or slowed by impersonal states but since none of the great powers of Europe were non in an confederation no 1 was left to do any attempt in halting the war.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Contract Administration Cost Business Consultant

Question: Describe about the Contract Administration for Cost Business Consultant. Answer: Introduction For every construction contracts and tendering, every company and stakeholder personnel must abide by some contract laws and directions passed by the respective authorities. Similarly, Australia has some rules and guidelines called Australian General Conditions of Contract (Porwal and Hewage 2013). This report is to produce a statement for finding the best contract most appropriate for Curtin University. Comparison between AS 2124 and AS 4300 Contracts There are two contracts AS 2124 and AS 4300 that are suitable for Curtin University. However, they have to select one of the two contracts that are most suitable for their requirements. Moreover, both the two clauses have their advantages and disadvantages that need to be analyzed and proper selection is to be made. AS 2124 This contract mainly deals with some rules and policies for commercial public sector projects. This contract stated that: The law governing the Contract, its interpretation, any agreement to arbitrate and the conduct of any arbitration or litigation, is the law of the State or Territory stated in Annexure A. Unless otherwise provided, prices are in Australian currency and payments shall be made in Australian currency at the place stated in Annexure A. Communications between the Principal, the Superintendent and the Contractor shall be in the English language. Measurements of physical quantities shall be in Australian legal units of measurement within the meaning of the National Measurement Act 1960, as amended from time to time. Where provisions in the General Conditions of Contract are expressed to be alternatives and the Contract fails to state which alternative applies, the first alternative shall apply. (Votano and Sunindijo 2014) AS 4300 - This contract mainly deals with some rules and policies for commercial design and construction projects. This contract stated that: Under Clause 47 one party shall serve on the other and the Superintendent a Notice of Dispute by hand or certified mail. Notwithstanding this process is invoked the performance of the contract shall continue (i.e. works and time continue to run). Clause 47.2 provided 2 alternative procedures (Alternative 1 applies by default pursuant to Annexure A, Item 52). The parties are to confer as specified and if not resolved within a specified time the matter is deemed to be referred to Arbitration. If the dispute escalates to arbitration, a nominated will hear and determine the matter. Arbitrations are governed by uniform state legislation that prescribes the manner and form as well as the process for reviewing an arbitrators award (which is limited). (Hardie and Love 2013) AS 2124 mainly deals with the basic guidelines for trade or exchange and has set some definite units and currencies that must be used during trade exchange. The main advantage of this clause is that it can be easily followed in Australia as all the points are easily understandable by the workers and management involved in the project. The main disadvantage of this clause is that it does not really provide any guideline regarding other important factors that are to be followed before the project like land dispute, resource management and others. AS 4300 is a more strict policy and deals with the minute but serious procedures that must be followed during the project. However, it does not state anything regarding the exchange and trade processes (Thomas and Wright 2016). The main advantage of this clause is that it provides strict guidelines regarding land and resource use. However, the disadvantage is that some unexpected consequences may result in the significant loss of the project management team. Conclusion From the study, AS 4300 is suggested for Curtin Universitys medical school project. This is because, although it is a public sector project, the company should emphasize on the design and construction guidelines as the company has already planned for some unique design inputs. Event 2 Introduction This report is to inform the executive director of Prime Projects about some disputes and claims of the losing tenderers. Most of the tenderers are claiming that the tender process was not conducted fairly and they have solid evidences against the process and the chosen tenderer. Claims of Losing Tenderers As per the claims of the losing tenderers, the tender process was not conducted fairly and the selection of tenderer was made based on the low price factor rather than the quality of services offered. Moreover, they are claiming that they have solid evidences that the winning tenderer have not even submitted confirmation of the tender but the company has still selected them. The concerned authority must look into this matter and find some ways in order to stop this dispute. Several important points can be advised to the authority. The authority should accept and analyze the reports and proofs presented by the loosing tenderers regarding the issue (Mitkus and Mitkus 2014). They should also re-examine the tendering and contract declaration processes. The company should review the documents and forms presented by the winning tenderer before the tendering process. The company should also analyze the points on the basis of which, the winning tenderer was chosen. If the claims of the losing tenderers are found to be valid, then the company can take the following actions. The company can immediately terminate the contract of the winning tenderer and reconduct the tender process. The company should sit with the winning tenderer regarding the tender process and the discrepancies noted in the contract process (Bailey 2014). If a mutual agreement is reached, the company can impose a deadline within which the winning tenderer will have to provide quality work that is required by the company. If none of the points are feasible, the company should seek legal help. Conclusion All the points mentioned are only mere suggestions. The authority holds the right for actions that they want to take and it will take any suitable action against any misconducted procedure or fraud company. Event 3 Introduction Curtin University have decided that they will draft contract conditions based on the AS 2124 clauses. Now, the university has to select a suitable form of performance undertaking in order to enhance the project performance undertaken by the company (Zou and Sunindijo 2013). This report is aimed to suggest the best performance undertaking clause that will really help to enhance project performance. Analysis of the Form of Performance Undertaking There are two options available to the company i.e. security to retention monies or recourse to retention monies. Security to retention monies provides security to retention monies and provides some protection policies. On the other hand, recourse to retention monies provides some guidelines for recoursing and recouping retention moneys (Mariappanadar 2013). It also provides some strict guidelines regarding transferring and handling of retention monies. The main advantage of security to retention monies policy is that it allows some rigid policy structure for retention monies. It also looks after the security of retention monies that are used and kept by the contractor (Klee 2015). However, the main disadvantage is that it fails to provide rigid rules regarding the handling and possession of retention monies. The main advantage of recourse to retention monies policy is that it provides rigid rules and guidelines regarding handling and possession of retention monies (Cakmak, Irlayici and Cakmak 2013). It also provides some strict rules regarding the use of retention monies during project management. However, the main issue with the recourse to retention monies policy is that it contains a number of management risks and other security issues and hence, although it provides some rigid management policies, it is too risky to implement in case of projects in which, huge amount of money is involved (Doloi 2014). Conclusion It can be concluded that the best policy for the company to follow is security to retention monies policy. First, it will provide secure handling and management of retention monies. Secondly, the flexibility of the policy means the company can implement some changes and modifications in the contract policy during the course of the project. Thirdly, the policys guidelines are easy to follow and the rules are easy to implement. On the other hand, the recourse to retention policy is too risky and it does not provide any strict guidelines on the security of retention monies. Moreover, the non-flexibility of the policy will also provide barriers for the company dealing with huge amount of money for the purpose of the project. Event 4 Introduction The company has assigned a subcontractor namely, Trump Engineering Pty. Ltd. for some subparts of the construction project. This assignment for Trump Engineering also contains some contractual obligations that they must honor or will face legal action or termination from their employers (Aibinu and Sudha Venkatesh 2013). This report contains the contractual obligations needed to be followed by Trump Engineering Company. Contractual Obligations of Trump Engineering and Complete Contractors The contractual obligations of Trump Engineering are as follows: Agreements of service have been reached between the two companies regarding the services and payments (Ndekugri and Rycroft 2014). Now, Trump Engineering must abide by the contractual clauses imposed or will faced immediate legal action. Trump Engineering must be able to meet the requirements of quality as agreed mutually between the two parties (Shokri-Ghasabeh and Chileshe 2014). If the company fails to provide sufficient quality of services, legal actions will be taken and they may also face termination. The employer company has all right to change or terminate the contract if the requirements are not met. If the requirements are met, the payments will be done as per the agreed transfer of money. Complete Contractors previously worked with Trump Engineering and they do not have good management experience with them (Hampson et al. 2014). Hence, they alerted Curtin University regarding poor management system at Trump Engineering and their failure to meet sufficient quality of service. However, Curtin University still employed them as subcontractors but after that, Trump Engineering have again failed to provide sufficient quality of service (Laryea and Ibem 2014). Now, Curtin University can take certain steps. They should take immediate steps against Trump Engineering for not being able to meet the requirements of quality and fraud services. Curtin University can also take legal action against Trump Engineering; so that they are not able run their business anymore. In case the university is unwilling to take extreme steps, they should give a deadline to Trump Engineering so that they can improve their services. Otherwise, extreme actions will have to be taken. The university should also demand proof documents containing the fraud services provided by Trump Engineering in the past. They can use them as evidences against Trump Engineering. Conclusion In this report, some vague ideas regarding the contractual obligations of Trump Engineering and Complete Contractors are given. They must abide by the rules and clauses as the contracts have been mutually agreed and Curtin University have all rights to take suitable legal actions against any of the companies if the requirements are not met or the contractors fail to meet the clauses agreed mutually between the company and the contractors. Hence, Curtin University should deal with the situation carefully and take actions that deem suitable to them. References Aibinu, Ajibade, and Sudha Venkatesh. "Status of BIM adoption and the BIM experience of cost consultants in Australia."Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice140, no. 3 (2013): 04013021. Bailey, Julian.Construction Law. Crc Press, 2014. Cakmak, Pinar Irlayici, and Emre Cakmak. 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