Wednesday, October 30, 2019


BORDER SECURITY ISSUES RESEARCH PROJECT # 3 - Essay Example Argentina’s immigration policy supports migration of permanent immigrants, temporary immigrants and people on transit to other countries. The immigration policy borrows heavily from the Patria Grande plan which allows registration and work permit issue to citizens from the  Mercosur  countries.  Mercosur  countries are mostly in South America who partner with states in the Southern Common Market (Mercosur) such as Brazil, Bolivia, Chile, Uruguay and Venezuela. In addition the Argentinean immigration policy addresses several issues that affect immigrants by ensuring protection of basic rights of all immigrants (Hines, 2010). The immigration policy has thus attracted immigrants from many underdeveloped South American countries who come to Argentina to seek jobs in industries. Argentina’s immigration policy has traditionally encouraged European immigration (Organization of American States, 2012). This is evident in the Argentinean constitution which shows that there is a  desire  to promote the migration of people from European states. In addition it is also attributed to the country’s history of European immigration to the country at the end of the 19th  century.   Critics have however argued that this is a rhetoric that promotes preferential treatment to immigrants from European countries. However, various other legislations to promote  equitable  treatment of immigrants  have been enacted. Over the years there have been several cases of people migrating to Argentina from the U.S. Reasons for immigration from America to Argentina include: immigration to work on professional jobs, settling of Argentine Americans in their ancestors’ country of origin and the settling tourists who want to be citizens in Argentina. Argentina’s immigration policy for migrants from the United States is not very restrictive as compared to the America’s policy for immigrants from Argentina (Hine, 2010). However, due to the restrictions that

Monday, October 28, 2019

Ashkenazi Jews Essay Example for Free

Ashkenazi Jews Essay The Jews admit that they are not the descendants of the Ancient Israelites in their writings. Under the heading of A brief History of the Terms for Jew in the 1980 Jewish Almanac is the following: Strictly speaking it is incorrect to call an ancient Israelite a ‘Jew’ or to call a contemporary Jew an Israelite or a Hebrew. 1980 Jewish Almanac, p. 3. JEWS Strictly speaking it is incorrect to call an ancient Israelite a ‘Jew’ or to call a contemporary Jew an Israelite or a Hebrew. 1980 Jewish Almanac, p. 3. Encyclopedia Americana (1985) Khazar, an ancient Turkic speaking people who ruled a large and powerful state in the steppes North of the Caucasus Mountains from the 7th century to the mid 11th century A.D In the 8th Century its political and religious head as well as the greater part of the Khazar nobility, abandoned paganism and converted to Judaism (The Khazars are the ancestors of most Russian and Eastern European Jews). Encyclopedia Britannica (15th edition): Khazars, confederation of Turkic and Iranian tribes that established a major commercial empire in the second half of the 6th century, covering the southeastern section of modern European Russia In the middle of the 8th century the ruling classes adopted Judaism as their religion. Encyclopedia Americana (1985): Ashkenazim, the Ashkenazim are the Jews whose ancestors lived in German lands it was among Ashkenazi Jews that the idea of political Zionism emerged, leading ultimately to the establishment of the state of Israel In the late 1960s, Ashkenazi Jews numbered some 11 million, about 84 percent of the world Jewish population. The Jewish Encyclopedia: Khazars, a non-Semitic, Asiatic, Mongolian tribal nation who emigrated into Eastern Europe about the first century, who were converted as an entire nation to Judaism in the seventh century by the expanding Russian nation which absorbed the entire Khazar population, and who account for the presence in Eastern Europe of the great numbers of Yiddish-speaking Jews in Russia, Poland, Lithuania, Galatia, Besserabia and Rumania. HORUS. Sun of God Ask Any 33rd degree Freemason! Horus is the EYE above the African Egyptian Pyramid on the U.S.ONE DOLLAR BILL.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Flannery O8217Conner and Grotesque Characters :: essays papers

Flannery O8217Conner and Grotesque Characters Flannery O’Conner and Grotesque Characters One of the most interesting characteristics of Flannery O’Conners writing is her penchant for creating characters with physical or mental disabilities. Though critics sometimes unkindly labeled her a maker of grotesques, this talent for creating flawed characters served her well. In fact, though termed grotesque, O’Conners use of vivid visual imagery when describing people and their shortcomings is the technique that makes her work most realistic. O’Conner herself once remarked that â€Å"anything that comes out of the South is going to be called grotesque by the Northern reader, unless it is grotesque, in which case it will be called realistic.† In O’Conners â€Å"The Life You Save May Be Your Own† the villain is a one armed hobo named Tom T. Shiftlet. Using his gift of gab and the promise of â€Å"fixing the place up.† He manages to take up on the remote farm of an old woman named Lucynell Crater and her mentally retarded and completely deaf daughter â€Å"Lucynell Crater†. The old woman quickly decides that despite his handicap she would like to make Tom her son in law. His goal soon became, fix up the old car he was sleeping in and hightail it out of there with the car and some of the old womans money in his pocket. On the pretense that he would need it for a honeymoon trip, he convinces the old woman to fix the car and give him some cash. The story ends with him marrying the retarded daughter, leaving with her on a honeymoon trip, then abandoning her in a rundown diner on the side of the road. â€Å"Good Country People† is a story about Joy Hopewell, a very well educated young woman living in the rural south. Joy lost a leg in a hunting accident when she was ten and since then had been forced to wear a wooden replacement. She also had a weak heart and it was this affliction that forced her to remain amongst these â€Å"good country people† whom she considered to be intellectual inferiors. Though she had great confidence in her intelligence she had very little self-esteem. Joys’ handicap made her feel ugly, so ugly that much to her mothers’ dismay, she had her name legally changed to the ugliest one she could think of, Hulga. One day a traveling bible salesman named Manley Pointer made a sales call and ended up having dinner with the family.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Was The Grand Prix Beneficial For Melbourne :: essays research papers

Was The Grand Prix Beneficial For Melbourne Issues Part -B- Was the Grand Prix, promoted as "The Great Race" which was held at Albert Park beneficial for Melbourne, or was it just a huge waste of taxpayers money? The race was televised to 650 million people in 130 different countries is expected to pump $50 million into the Victorian economy every year and boost tourism enormously. I along with the owners of seventy-two percent of hotels, motels, restaurants and other entertainment complexes agree that Albert Park having the Grand Prix will have a positive impact on business. Infact it pumped $10 - $15 million into local business. This will mean these businesses did put on more part time staff who will be gaining valuable work experience and there will also be a flow on effect to suppliers of these industries. Fifty-nine percent of interstate visitors and forty five percent of overseas visitors would not have come to Adelaide in a two year period because of the Grand Prix if not for the race. By Albert Park getting the Grand Prix created between 1000-1500 new jobs. The Grand Prix will promote Victoria on an international scale with international press, television and media caring out a world wide coverage of this event. This could convince people to come and visit Melbourne and would also be a major tourism boost. Approximately $23.8 million has been spent overhauling the park and upgrading the Lake side track. They built better fences and barricades to help protect spectators in case of a crash, and the track is said to be the safest and finest in the world, creating a benchmark for Albert Park. Temporary seating will cater for 150,000 people, and there was approximately an attendance of 400,000 over the four days. 9,000 part-time jobs and 1,000 full-time jobs were created over the weekend. The "greenies" are still trying to stop the race at Albert Park. First it was "Save The Park" and now it's "Stop The Grand Prix." At first they protested about the cutting down of hundreds of trees to make way for the track. But this has been overcome by the replanting of 5000 new trees which would cover 16 football ovals. This is almost double the amount of trees that were there previously. They don't care about the huge impact that the race had on Melbourne, instead they unsuccessfully protest against it and by doing so it has cost the Victorian taxpayers $1.3 million. But the track has already been built and the first race held, so there is no chance of it being removed and the park could

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Family violence/abuse is not the answer

We are told that violence is not the answer, yet our country goes to war when we have problems†¦ It is the way people and families are, the answer to everything. I have chosen to explore the theme family violence/abuse is not the answer. This theme is shown in the short story â€Å"boy† by Bruce Stewart, â€Å"In the rubbish bin† by Apirana Taylor, a true story by Michelle Manning â€Å"its ok† and Harry potter by J. K Rowling At the beginning of Boy, boy who is Maori he feels like he doesn’t belong in his culture â€Å"im not a Maori† he gets bullied at school and comes home crying. His Dad comes home and sees Boy crying he says to Boy â€Å"Stop being a baby or I’ll give you something to cry about â€Å"This shows that the Boys dad is full of violence and threats. â€Å"Stormed into the bedroom AGAIN and started hitting me with his razor strap†. By this saying in the story with the word â€Å"Again† means this isn’t the first time or the last time Boy will see of that razor strap. At the end of the story boy finds his true place where he belongs from his mother’s death. He is in the hands of his mother’s family and I think that’s the last time Boy would have seen of that razor strap. The short story â€Å"in the rubbish bin â€Å"it portrays the theme that violence/ Abuse is not the answer. More the mental side than the physical side. We see this in the character phillipa. Phillipa who gets mentally abused by her mum. Her poor upbringing causes phillipa to take a smelly trip to a rubbish tin. Imagine how many kids in New Zealand are exactly like her we have over 1,600 gaming machines and over 100 gaming tables and that’s at Auckland sky tower alone. There are cases were we have parents leaving kids in cars on hot days just because the mum or dad want to go have a try on the machines and the tables it needs to stop . Why don’t the parents stop and think before they do, they should be thinking of their kid’s future and saving up on item’s that they will have wanted when they don’t have the money. Maybe the government needs a wakeup call and instead of having the casino open 24 hours a day, seven days a week make it less so we don’t have more cases of them on the news of kids in hot cars and forgotten about. In the rubbish bin and boy have similar backgrounds just with a twist, Boys mother takes one hundred percent care of her child and Ruth shows no appreciation towards Phillipa. The dads in the story are both abusive Boys dad towards boy and Phillipas dad towards Ruth. The short story â€Å"its ok† also identifies the theme â€Å"family violence is not the answer†matt has shown that he thinks that violence is the answer â€Å"sharp hard slaps† , He was hitting her face† ,He was hurting her to much now â€Å" shows that Matt is very abusive and he won’t stop anytime soon. Matt has his wife begging him to stop â€Å"she was begging now â€Å"stop it! Stop it! †

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Exercise in Sentence Combining with Adverb Clauses

Exercise in Sentence Combining with Adverb Clauses As discussed in part one and part two, adverb clauses are subordinate structures that show the relationship and relative importance of ideas in sentences. They explain such things as when, where, and why about an action stated in the main clause. Here well practice building and combining sentences with adverb clauses. Practice Exercise:Building Combining Sentences with Adverb Clauses Combine the sentences in each set below by turning the sentence(s) in bold into an adverb clause. Begin the adverb clause with an appropriate subordinating conjunction. When youre done, compare your new sentences with the sample combinations on page two, keeping in mind that multiple combinations are possible. Example:Sailors wear earrings.The earrings are made of gold.Sailors always carry the cost of a burial.They carry the cost on their own bodies.Combination 1: So that they always carry the cost of a burial on their bodies, sailors wear gold earrings.Combination 2: Sailors wear gold earrings so that they always carry the cost of a burial on their bodies. It is unlikely that Cleopatra actually committed suicide with an asp.The species is unknown in Egypt.The boy hid the gerbil.No one would ever find it. Our neighbors installed a swimming pool.The pool is in their backyard.They have gained many new friends.My parents and I watched in awe.We watched on a hot August evening.Erratic bolts of lightning illuminated the sky.The bolts of lightning were from a distant storm. Benny played the violin.The dog hid in the bedroomThe dog whimpered.Natural rubber is used chiefly to make tires and inner tubes.It is cheaper than synthetic rubber.It has greater resistance to tearing when wet. A Peruvian woman finds an unusually ugly potato.She runs up to the nearest man.She smashes it in his face.This is done by ancient custom.Credit cards are dangerous.They encourage people to buy things.These are things that people are unable to afford.These are things that people do not really need.I kissed her once.I kissed her by the pigsty.She wasnt looking.I neve r kissed her again.She was looking all the time. Some day I shall take my glasses off.Some day I shall go wandering.I shall go out into the streets.I shall do this deliberately.I shall do this when the clouds are heavy.I shall do this when the rain is coming down.I shall do this when the pressure of realities is too great. When youre done, compare your new sentences with the sample combinations on page two. Here are sample answers to the practice exercise on page one: Building and Combining Sentences with Adverb Clauses. Keep in mind that multiple combinations are possible. Because the species is unknown in Egypt, it is unlikely that Cleopatra actually committed suicide with an asp.The boy hid the gerbil where no one would ever find it.Since our neighbors installed a swimming pool in their backyard, they have gained many new friends.On a hot August evening, my parents and I watched in awe as erratic bolts of lightning from a distant storm illuminated the sky.Whenever Benny played the violin, the dog hid in the bedroom and whimpered.Natural rubber is used chiefly to make tires and inner tubes because it is cheaper than synthetic rubber and has greater resistance to tearing when wet.By ancient custom, when a Peruvian woman finds an unusually ugly potato, she runs up to the nearest man and smashes it in his face.Credit cards are dangerous because they encourage people to buy things that they are unable to afford and do not really need.I kissed her once by the pigsty when she wasnt looking and never kissed her again although she was looking all the time.(Dy lan Thomas, Under Milk Wood) Some day, when the clouds are heavy, and the rain is coming down and the pressure of realities is too great, I shall deliberately take my glasses off and go wandering out into the streets, never to be heard from again.(James Thurber, The Admiral on the Wheel)

Monday, October 21, 2019

Grandell essays

Grandell essays The theme for the fiction story named Grendel is The world is yet to be explored. In Grendel it shows that the theme for the story is The world is yet to be explored when Grendel thinks he knows everything about life, and religion and also about the humans and animals. Grendel thinks he knows everything about life because he says how stupid nature is that it doesnt even talk back and how stupid it is to be an animal that doesnt talk or think for anything. Grendel also states that he knows everything about humans intelligence, religion and weakness only because he spies them and knows how to dominate them. We may come to the conclusion that the theme of the fiction story of Grendel is The world is yet to be explored. I think this theme is important for this fiction story because without this theme it wouldnt have no sense at all because Grendel wouldnt be going around hunting on people and animals. If Grendel wouldnt have been going around hunting down people and animals which he also spied them he wouldnt have been doing nothing but pass all his time in his boring cave with his mom, the snakes and the unknown eyes that stared at him at night. Also if Grendel wouldnt have known the humans as good as he thinks he knows them he wouldnt probably even kill them because he said that didnt really needed to eat humans and that all that he really needed to eat were cows. I also think that Grendel only is entertaining because its all about a weird creature named Grendel that spies and kills humans all because he thinks his superior to everyone. We may also say that the theme is important bec ause most of the events in this fiction story deal with the exploring of the world by an unknown creatured named Grendel whom is the major character on this story. My first example to prove that the theme ...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Interesting Facts About Maya Angelou

Interesting Facts About Maya Angelou Thanks to her award-winning writing, Maya Angelou was internationally known decades before her death at age 86 in 2014. Despite her fame and her many memoirs, many interesting details about her life remain widely unknown to the public. Familiarize yourself with the life and work of Maya Angelou with this list of interesting facts about her life. Family Life She may have risen to fame as â€Å"Maya Angelou,† but she was not born with that first name or with that surname. Instead, Angelou was born Marguerite Annie Johnson on April 4, 1928, in St. Louis. â€Å"Maya† derives from a childhood nickname and Angelou is a shortened version of Angelopulos, the surname of a Greek sailor the writer married in 1952.It’s uncertain how many times Angelou married, the New York Times reported in her obituary. â€Å"Throughout her life, she was cagey about the number of times she married- it appears to have been at least three- for fear, she said, of appearing frivolous,† the Times noted.Although Angelou married a number of times, she bore just one child, a son named Guy Johnson. She gave birth to him at the age of 16. He was the product of a brief romance Angelou had with a neighborhood boy in Northern California. Career During her young adulthood, Angelou became the first black woman to work as a streetcar conductor in San Francisco, according to the Times.Although Angelou stood 6 feet tall, she managed to carve out a career as a dancer as a young woman. She even danced with the likes of Alvin Ailey.Angelou appeared in a number of theatrical productions, earning a Tony nomination for her role in 1973’s â€Å"Look Away,† a play about Mary Todd Lincoln and her seamstress. Friendship With Prominent African Americans Angelou stopped celebrating her birthday because the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., a friend of hers, was assassinated on that day. Instead of celebrating her birthday, Angelou sent flowers to King’s widow, Coretta, according to In addition to King, Angelou was friends with a number of other prominent African Americans, including James Baldwin and Malcolm X, the New York Times reported. Literary Career Angelou rose to fame after the publication of her 1969 memoir, I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings. That book made history, as it marked the first time an autobiography by an African-American woman became a best-seller in the United States.Caged Bird was far from Angelou’s only memoir. The writer followed that effort up with Gather Together in My Name (1974), Singin’ and Swingin’ and Gettin’ Merry Like Christmas (1976), The Heart of a Woman (1981), All God’s Children Need Traveling Shoes (1986) and A Song Flung Up to Heaven (2002). Moreover, in 2013, Angelou’s memoir about her relationship with her mother, Mom Me Mom, debuted.Despite the fact that she excelled as a writer above all else, Angelou said that the craft did not come easily to her. In 1990, she told the Paris Review, â€Å"I try to pull the language into such a sharpness that it jumps off the page. It must look easy, but it takes me forever to get it to look so easy. Of course, ther e are those critics- New York critics as a rule- who say, Well, Maya Angelou has a new book out and of course it’s good but then she’s a natural writer. Those are the ones I want to grab by the throat and wrestle to the floor because it takes me forever to get it to sing. I work  at the language.†Ã‚   More About Maya Angelou A globetrotter, Angelou spoke a number of languages, including French, Italian, Spanish, Arabic, and the West African language Fanti, according to her website.Angelou had a seafood allergy. Apparently, it was so severe that she requested people not to eat seafood prior to meeting with her.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Confernce 5 Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Confernce 5 - Personal Statement Example Organizational learning is composed of all dynamic human practices and processes that are needed to increase the knowledge management capacity of organizations (Dalkir and Liebowitz 6). It is important to make the distinction between organizational learning and a learning organization because it meaningfully connects theories to practices and processes, and these actions, in turn, are related to the goals of developing a learning organization (Schwandt and Marquardt 26). One of the problems associated in the practice of learning organizations is that when managers and firm owners read about learning organizations, they implement only the end result of a learning organization without understanding and responding to underlying theories on organizational learning, thereby being unable to connect the relationship between theories and learning organization outcomes (Schwandt and Marquardt 26). These managers become myopic in thinking because they may perceive only the descriptive model of organizational learning, instead of seeing it as a dynamic model (Schwandt and Marquardt 26). Knowing that organizational learning is different from a learning organization is the firs t step to recognizing that organizational learning is needed to create a learning

Friday, October 18, 2019

Do mergers create value for the offeror and offeree Essay

Do mergers create value for the offeror and offeree - Essay Example For example, most of the big organizations are currently looking to expand their business to overseas countries in order to exploit the opportunities opened up by the globalization. Merger & Acquisition is one way of business expansion adopted by big companies. Gaughan (2007) defined merger as the combination of two corporations in which only one corporation survives while the merged corporation goes out of existence after the merger process (Gaughan, 2007, p.12). Theoretically mergers and acquisitions should be value creating for the shareholders of both the offeror and offeree companies. But in practice, it is not 100% true. This paper critically evaluates the pros and cons of merger and acquisition to the shareholders of both the offeror and offeree companies Increased market share, lower cost of production, higher competitiveness, acquired research and development know how and patents, Financial leverage, Improved profitability etc are some of the advantages or values for the offeror and the offeree through M & A (Helium, 2010). The offeror and the offeree can increase their customer base through merger and acquisition. For example, consider the recent merger deal between two telecommunication giants, India’s Bharti Airtel and South Africa’s MTN. As per this deal, MTN and its shareholders would acquire around 36 per cent economic interest in Bharti Airtel, while Bharti Airtel would acquire 49 per cent stake in South African telecom giant MTN (Indias 11 largest M&A deals, 2009). The above deal helped both the companies to exploit the opportunities in India and South Africa more judiciously for the mutual benefits. Bharti Airtel will get the assistance from MTN for their operations in South Africa whereas the MTN would get a ssistance from Bharti Airtel for their operations in India. The understanding of business climate and formalities in these countries can be exchanged for the

McCardell Enterprises Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

McCardell Enterprises - Essay Example He knows Mccardell’s Enterprise intensions of wanting to acquire the Johnston International and depending on how I play my cards he might end up letting out the secrets which will have negative legal implications to the company. If Mr. Jones, in one way or another, manages to share this information with Johnston International of which McCardell Enterprise tends to acquire, it might be legally perceived to be corporate or industrial espionage which will compromise McCardell’s Enterprise legal position Industrial or economic espionage takes place in two major forms. The main purpose of espionage is to collect knowledge about an organization. It may sometime involve the acquisition of intellectual property, such as information on the manufacturing procedure, techniques, ideas processes, formulas and recipes. Or it could include operational information or sequestration of proprietary, such as that on customer datasets, marketing, pricing, sales, research and development, prospective bids,policies, marketing strategies or planning and the change in compositions and locations of production. In this regard, I think that Mr. Jones might be an espionage agent who is spying for McCardell’s Competitors like J.E. Smith & Sons (Nasheri, 2005). He could be another spying agent working for a different company who wants to find out the amount of details that my department knows about the companies that we intend to acquire. It will therefore be important for me to share this information with the CEO in order to determine his position on this issue (John, 2009). One of the most efficient method to collect information and data, which Mr. Jones might be employing, is by infiltrating the ranks of your enemy. The spying agent can bring back all manner and sorts of vital information that concerns the strength and size of the competitor (Walker, 2011).

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Petition letter Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Petition letter - Essay Example At Indian River Community College, I was able to complete a total of 10 subjects; majority of which with Laboratory classes. I am exiting this college with good academic standing. I am now looking at further pursuing an Associate of Science and a Bachelor’s degree in Nursing at the University of Central Florida’s concurrent Nursing program with Seminole Community College. I am looking at completing both because an Associate of Science could already equip me to find a job related to within this field in case I opt to postpone further studies to earn a Bachelor’s degree. In any case, my ultimate goal is still to finish a Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing and work on a career in the medical field. I plan to start working on these two by fall on 2007. Because of this objective, I believe that obtaining an Associate of Arts at Broward Community College is the best step I should take to reach my goal. An AA from Broward would definitely enable me to pursue further st udies in the field of my choice since this school is accredited and widely recognized in Florida. Any number of units earned in this college would be acknowledged in other colleges within the state. The credits I would be earning at Broward would be useful in my pursuit of a four-year course at particular colleges or universities in Florida. Further, it is most convenient for me to take on what I have left at Broward because I already have the requirements to complete an Associate in Arts in this college.

Reality TV Influence on the Audience Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Reality TV Influence on the Audience - Essay Example As the discussion stresses  during the initial years of the twenty first century, viewers watched reality TV to observe people’s lives, watch them argue, fight, eat bizarre things and reveal personal details of their lives. These reality shows were humored and harmless. But with time, the essence of reality TV has changed. People now participate in reality shows to contest against each other in order to win some prize or gain popularity. This reflects increased competitiveness and materialism prevailing in the society.  This research declares that  as television drama became more violent and sexually explicit, reality TV evolved as a more meaningful genre of TV shows that present viewers with more competitive and bitter versions closer to reality. Psychologists present interesting explanation as to why reality shows are very popular. One of the primary reasons is that viewers can identify themselves with the participants who are initially ordinary people and then become famous. Secondly, they enjoy the competitive nature of such shows since there are always winners and losers.  Reality TV is taking over regular TV and is polluting people’s mind. Violence, distorted pictures of reality, language and stunts are marking a lot of reality TV. These shows are very entertaining but many professionals are expressing concerns over the harmful implications. They point out that negative impacts of reality TV are higher for children and teenagers than adults.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Petition letter Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Petition letter - Essay Example At Indian River Community College, I was able to complete a total of 10 subjects; majority of which with Laboratory classes. I am exiting this college with good academic standing. I am now looking at further pursuing an Associate of Science and a Bachelor’s degree in Nursing at the University of Central Florida’s concurrent Nursing program with Seminole Community College. I am looking at completing both because an Associate of Science could already equip me to find a job related to within this field in case I opt to postpone further studies to earn a Bachelor’s degree. In any case, my ultimate goal is still to finish a Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing and work on a career in the medical field. I plan to start working on these two by fall on 2007. Because of this objective, I believe that obtaining an Associate of Arts at Broward Community College is the best step I should take to reach my goal. An AA from Broward would definitely enable me to pursue further st udies in the field of my choice since this school is accredited and widely recognized in Florida. Any number of units earned in this college would be acknowledged in other colleges within the state. The credits I would be earning at Broward would be useful in my pursuit of a four-year course at particular colleges or universities in Florida. Further, it is most convenient for me to take on what I have left at Broward because I already have the requirements to complete an Associate in Arts in this college.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Plato and Cinema Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Plato and Cinema - Essay Example The way Plato looks at art should be understood within the context of his larger enterprise, the Republic, where his views on aesthetics are located. What exactly is the status of art for Plato? The Platonic view of art is rather pessimistic. He believes that the state should be governed by reason, in the same way, that an individual if s/he is to be a just individual, should have the â€Å"passions and the appetites governed by reason† (Albert et. al., 1980, p.25). Considering how the ideal state is conceived as one where everyone and everything must work for the good of society, art, in general, is conceived as being subservient to the state in that sense. If art is to be practiced or engaged in at all, it must be in a form that promotes a just society. In discussing how a person acquires knowledge and skills, Plato argues that from childhood, a person learns through imitating that to which s/he is exposed. As such, if the state is to raise up guardians, then these guardians -to-be need exposure only to those that promote the virtues, and not to those that arouse negative or ill attitudes. In the Republic, Plato states: If then we adhere to our original notion and bear in mind that our guardians, setting aside every other business, are to dedicate themselves wholly to the maintenance of freedom in the State,†¦ they ought not to practice or imitate anything else; if they imitate at all, they should imitate from youth upward only those characters which are suitable to their profession – the courageous, temperate, holy, free, and the like.  

Essentials of College Writing Essay Example for Free

Essentials of College Writing Essay Peer editing is an evaluative method of judging or critiquing written text with the valuable engagement of peers. The purpose of writing within the context of peer editing is to write a text that will be able to incite responses, not only from people in authority who oversee the writing process (ex. teachers, professors, technical writing instructors, etc. ), but also from an individuals’ peers. The process of peer editing follows the writing process, the reading process, the critiquing session, and the rewriting process. Peer editing allows the expression of comments or suggestions regarding a written text which an individual may use to modify errors within the text, identify ambiguous elements that defeats the purpose of a cohesive theme, and draw out additional information that are instrumental in improving the written text. (Adger, Wolfram, Christian, 2007) The overall result of peer editing is the improvement of literacy or skills in writing. (Topping Ehly, 1998) Perhaps, it is also important to reiterate that peer editing allows individuals to identify errors or mistakes in the writing process that may be unknown to them. The diversity of peer characters and points of views allows one to look at the theme and quality of written works from different angles, allowing a writer to complete a written work clearly and concisely. What are some of the techniques a team can use to integrate various writers work into one cohesive document? Integrating various written works into a cohesive document should follow a series of steps. The first step is to read all the written works carefully in order to identify the main points and focus of each text. The team should then group or categorize written works according to their similarities in meaning, theme, or points of view. Once this is accomplished, the team should agree on the organization or framework of the single document they will be working on depending on the ideas or information drawn from the grouped or categorized written works. This process is similar to constructing an outline that will become the basis of the targeted cohesive document. Moreover, constructing an outline will require a team to identify what the focus of the article would be, what work will best fit in the introduction, the body, or the conclusion, etc. The next step would be to fill in parts of the outline, such that main and valuable points from each written work of team members will be drawn out to be integrated into the outline of the targeted cohesive document. At this point, the team is prepared to layout the finished document. What is the purpose and historical academic use of the APA style and why is it important to use APA style? The American Psychological Association or APA is a common citation style utilized by professionals in their written works. Its use is most common in the social sciences. The content of the APA citation style is usually the author and the year of publication, as well as the title of work and the imprint. Other elements of written works designed under the framework of the APA style include the reference list, intext citations, headers, page numbering, and page margins. (Hajnal, 1997) The origin of the APA citation format is traced back to a discussion between professionals who write journals with anthropology and psychology as subjects. It was a way to set a standard of writing for journals in order to promote structure and organization in the formality of writing professional articles. After this discussion, the APA published a written work containing writing standards and guidelines. (Hunter, 2007) The importance of utilizing the APA style is to organize a written body of work by structuring the writing styles and citation references into something formal or standard. Standardized writing will benefit readers in such a way that reading other journals is recognizable and comprehensible. (Seas Driscoll, 2007) Aside from this purpose, the significance of utilizing APA as a writing guide ensures clarity, consistency and unity all throughout the body of the written work or article. (â€Å"APA Style†) For authors or writers, following the APA format or writing style is a means of abiding by rules set forth a particular publication – in this case, publications that publish written works of professionals in fields wherein the APA writing style is commonly used (such as psychology, sociology, education, nursing, etc. ). (â€Å"Frequently Asked Questions†) Discuss what is meant by Parallel Structures in the writing process. Abiding by the rules of parallel structure during the writing process, an author or writer should present equally important thoughts and ideas appropriately. This means that if a sentence calls for the presentation of several thoughts or ideas that are within the same level of importance, structure, or content, these should be written as such. No thought or idea should go against the flow of thoughts, especially in form. For instance, a sentence calls for the enumeration of activities that a person does in the morning. If the form of the verbs being enumerated are in the present tense, they should be written as such: â€Å"†¦ waking up, eating breakfast, brushing one’s teeth, and bathing. † and not â€Å"†¦waking up, eat breakfast, brush one’s teeth, and bathing. † This rule goes the same with the use of clauses and words that follow a colon. (Purdue OWL Driscoll, 2006) Discuss the meaning of verb tense in the writing process. Like the parallel structure which signals consistency and uniformity within the body of a written work, verb tenses also results to the same outcomes in writing. Aside from the general rules of verb tenses such as past tense for actions done in the past, present tense for actions that are currently taking place, and future tense for action that are about to take place, verb tenses in the writing process also necessitates consistency and uniformity of thoughts. For instance, a written work is in the form of a narrative then it should not only be written in the past tense, but should be written in the past tense all throughout the remainder of the text. Website: http://apastyle. apa. org/ â€Å"Frequently Asked Questions. † (2008) Retrieved October 22, 2008, from The American Psychological Association. Website: http://www. apastyle. org/faqs. html#1 Hajnal, P. I. (1997). International Information: Documents, Publications, and Electronic Information of International Governmental Organizations. SC: Libraries Unlimited. Hunter, S. (2007). APA Writing Style. Retrieved October 22, 2008, from Associated Content, Inc. Website: http://www. associatedcontent. com/article/181223/apa_writing_style. html? cat=3 Purdue OWL Driscoll, D. L. (2006). Parallel Structure. Retrieved October 22, 2008, from The Writing Lab The OWL at Purdue. Website: http://owl. english. purdue. edu/owl/resource/623/01/ â€Å"Tenses in Writing. † (N. D. ) Retrieved October 22, 2008, from University of Washington. Website: http://depts. washington. edu/engl/askbetty/tenses. php Topping, K. J. Ehly, S. W. (1998). Peer-Assisted Learning. NJ: Laurence Erlbaum Associates. Seas, K. Driscoll, D. L. (2007). APA Overview and Workshop. Retrieved October 22, 2008, from The Writing Lab The OWL at Purdue. Website: http://owl. english. purdue. edu/owl/resource/664/01/

Monday, October 14, 2019

Development of Sustainable Dwellings in Wales

Development of Sustainable Dwellings in Wales This study focuses on the development of a sustainable retrofit plan for a typical dwelling in Wales. There are two parts that have been discussed in this report. The first section is a full development plan to reduce the fuel cost with a budget of  £30K and the second is a calculation of carbon footprint of a building element (wall insulation materials). The project was predicted to achieve 70% reductions in CO2 emissions for a cost of some  £26K.Furthermore, the energy cost would be reduced by 85% if the development plan was implemented in full. Stepwise approach has been used to measure the performance. Replacing the heating system and adding more insulation for the roof, walls and floor are considered the significant improvement of the project with reasonable payback periods. The embodied CO2 emission for three different insulation materials has been calculated. Rockwool has the lowest rate 833 kg co2e compared to 875, 1737 to the Sheeps wool and Expanded Polystyrene respectivel 1.1 Background 1.1.1 Introduction: Indeed, there is a huge pressure on governments to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions. Paris agreement, is a recent agreement within the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, was agreed to keep the global warming below 2 °C (1). British government aims to have an 80% reduction by 2050. This means a huge improvement is needed in energy efficiency of our existing dwelling. The recent report shows that over 45% of total greenhouse emissions were emitted from dwelling building (2).The domestic sector accounted for 29 % of the total energy consumption in 2015(3).Furthermore, residential was ranked the fourth in the amount of greenhouse gas emission according to national statistics(4) the figure below show the greenhouse gas emission by different sectors. Figure (1) Greenhouse gas emission by sector (DECC), UK, 2014 1.1.2 The property: This house was built in 1930s and has three bedrooms with South-West facing and located in Wales. The external walls are cavity wall with plaster but without any insulation, the floor has no insulation, the roof is slate tiles with 50mm insulation between the rafters. The windows are double glazed, with a 6mm air gap, PVC frames and with U value of 2.8.The doors are also PVC frame with U value of 2.8. The heating system is an old mains gas boiler with 65% efficiency, the capacity of hot water tank 120 litre. 1.1.3 Performance prior to refurbishment: This house has a SAP rating of 45, below the national average of 48 and therefore there is a need to improve its performance to achieve 80 % of reduction in emissions as well as the annual fuel cost. This could be achieved by reducing the heat loss through the walls, floor, roof as well as windows and doors. 1.2 Development plan There are two factors that are set to dramatically transform the way in which building was designed and fabricated in the early twenty-first century-insulation and energy. There is a need to maximise the insulation levels of the buildings while at the same time rethinking the ways in which building consumes the energy needed to run them. Step 1: Upgrading the heating system : Modern boilers are more efficient because they burn the fuel very efficiently. The fuel type also has a direct impact on reducing the fuel bill as well as carbon emissions. The condensing gas boiler (90% efficacy) with room thermostat is the best choice in this matter. Step 2: Insulating the roof, floor and walls: The challenge in adding insulation levels in domestics is to choose the right materials that fit for purpose. Understanding the properties of the materials and when it is suited to fitting in the attic space is essential. Moreover, price, fire safety, chemicals involved and end of life should also be considered when choosing the material (5). -Floor: Phenolic foam insulation would offer the best performance of any readily available panel (6). It also has less impact on room size where dry-lining is considered. Kingspans Kooltherm phenolic is the good option for floors. The designed U value for floor is 0.2 W/m2K. -Cavity wall insulation: Filling the cavity gap between the inner and outer blocks with appropriate insulation material has been considered. However, it is highly likely that insulating the cavity alone will not be enough to achieve the required U-values. For this reason, adding internal or external insulation should also be concerned to achieve the targeted U-value. The designed u value for injected insulation with external wall insulation (Rockwool) is 0.49 (W/m2K). -Roofs: mineral wool insulation is highly recommended for roof insulation, 160 mm is added between rafters and 100 mm below them. The designed U value in this case is 0.15 (W/m2K). Step 3: Minimising infiltration (disuse chimneys, draught proofing). Ventilation is needed in traditional buildings to help the fabric breathe. Chimneys would have contributed greatly to the ventilation rate, so it is advised, in some cases, that chimneys could to be left open to allow natural ventilation. However, disused chimney, if left fully open, will often cause more heat loss. It also can let water in, if it is uncapped. Some methods can be recommended: CAPS: a cap at the top of a chimney will prevent water ingress but allow through ventilation. However, caps can cause huge damage and be very dangerous if they blow off in case of windy weather. Balloons: is the quickest and cheapest way to close of a flue that is not being used, but it is awkward and dirty when removing and reinstalling them in place. Step 4: Reducing the energy consumption for lighting (LED). LED lighting is extremely energy efficient technology and has changed the future of lighting worldwide. The residential LED lighting use less 70% energy and last 25 times longer life (7). The value of lighting gain in the SAP calculation (67) was reduced by 70% of the original value. Step 5: Installing renewable sources (PV panel). The solar photovoltaic (PV) has many advantages that a householder can benefit from. The main benefit is to cut electricity bill as well as sell the left over electricity to the grid. Not to mention, the sunlight is free and that means nearly zero carbon footprint (8). It is advised the Monocrystalline system with 20% efficiency is required to generate around 2700kWh annually. This system requires 21 square meter roof space and makes saving around 12p/kWh from electricity bill. However, if a householder doesnt use the electricity produced, exported to grid or store it in batteries are the only two options available. The storage technology has been ignored because the cost and complexity with installing at dwelling. The exported tariff is 3.1 p/kWh, but this figure could be ignored as the power generated by the system would be absorbed by the site demand. Step 6: UPVC triple glazing windows The huge heating loss in domestics occurs through windows. There is a growing range in this area to improve the thermal performance of this element. Triple glazing is the best options that could be considered to achieve the reduction target. This element has an excellent U-value (one or less) which provide a decrease in energy consumption as well as reducing CO2 emissions. Step 7: UPVC high efficient door It is suggested that the original doors on the property, with a U-value of 2.8 W/m2.K, should be replaced with a high performance triple glazed door, reducing the U-value of the surface by 65%. 1.3 Alternatives options Other systems were also considered but rejected due to the cost-effectiveness as well as the project size. For example: Mechanical ventilation with heat recovery (MVHR): is widely used for highly energy efficient buildings in the UK. However, the complexity to install and the high capital cost, the system was ignored. Under floor heating: is a modern technology that allows the householder to enjoy the luxury of the warm floor during the winter. In other hand, under floor system is pricey to install in retrofit house and more difficult to maintain if any problem occurs. Wind turbine: roof-mounted and freestanding mast wind turbines are two types that can be installed in the project. The micro wind turbine was rejected because the space limitation, the turbine noise and save the birds in the local area. 1.4 Analysis and evaluation SAP rating: the graph (1) illustrates the improvement of the SAP rating though the development plan. It is clearly seen that the property has been developed from 45.65 to over 90 and that means the house can achieve band B in the EPC. CO2 emissions rate: As it can be seen from the graph (2) below, a significant decrease in CO2 emissions though the development plan. The house would benefit of 70% reduction on CO2 emissions as the plan reduced CO2 emissions rate from 71.35 to below 22.77. Energy cost: The annual fuel cost has been reduced from  £1354 to below  £200 as graph (3) indicates. A reduction of 85% of annual energy bill will be achieved if the designed plan is implemented. The projects budget was  £30K; however, the full money spent in this plan is around  £26K. The simple payback method has been used for financial evaluation. The full plan will require 20 years to recover the cost of the project. The plan is designed in stepwise to achieve higher performance as well as keep the cost low as much as possible. The graph (4) shows that SAP rating improvement against the cost for each step. Replacing windows and doors would cost over  £7000 and  £1000 respectively; with having longer payback periods (graph 5), that took them to the end of the list. Note: Full data can be found in the appendix (table 3). Graph (1) SAP rating during the development plan Graph (2) CO2 emissions rate through the development plan Graph (3) Annual energy cost through the development plan Graph (4) SAP improvement vs. Cost Graph (5) Simple payback calculation for development plan 1.5 Conclusion The project will benefit significantly by replacing the heating system as well as adding more insulation for the roof, floor and walls. However, replacing windows the doors have slight effect on the house performance as it costs more with less benefit. Installing photovoltaic panels will make a huge impact on the project performance. It would make saving over 55% from the energy bill if 3 KWp panel was installed. 2.1 Introduction The thermal resistance provided by insulation materials used in the building fabric means that the energy savings from insulation made during the operation of the building far outweigh its embodied environmental impacts. Also, insulation products tend to have a very low density and, therefore, when reviewed in a building context, only relatively small masses of materials are used. However, if insulations are not assessed with a whole-building life-cycle approach they may not appear to be an inherently low environmental impact material, because of the resources and energy used during manufacture, the use of blowing agents and the lack of reuse/recycling at the end of life. This study will illustrate the environmental impact of three different types of insulation; it also provides the carbon footprint calculation for the project that was refurbished in the Part 1. 2.2 Literature survey The Green guide classifies the insulation used in the construction into: Non-renewable organic-based insulation such as expanded polystyrene (EPS); this material has conductivity 0.038 W/mK, density 37 kg/m3. It is a rigid, open cell form of polystyrene blown with pentane. EPS is a thermoplastic polymer, so can be reprocessed and recycled more easily than thermoset polymers. Most process waste is recycled but there is limited recycling of postconsumer packaging. Renewable organic plant/animal-derived insulation such as Sheeps wool insulation; it has conductivity 0.039 W/mK, density 25 kg/m3. The sheeps wool that is not suitable for textiles, is used for insulation. The wool needs to be scoured, requiring energy and water, and the resulting pesticide residue from the sheet dip needs treatment. Binders and polyester fibre are required, as well as chemical treatment to prevent moth attack. Mineral wool insulation such as Rockwool; is a medium density insulation product of 45 kg/m3 and has a thermal conductivity of 0.044 W/mK. Rockwool is made of 77% virgin raw material mainly in the form of diabase, gotland stone, lime stone, cement and bauxite. The remaining 23% are classed as waste materials. End-of-life issues for insulation Many insulation types are recyclable at end of life, but do not currently have any recycling system in place for material recovered from construction, refurbishment or demolition. There is evidence that some insulation waste from construction is incorporated elsewhere within the building, rather than being sent for disposal. For most materials, the impact associated with end of life is the disposal impact measured by BRE relating to the amount of material landfilled or incinerated. The BRE methodology also includes the emissions associated with incineration and landfill, including burning of landfill gas. For renewable materials, the end-of-life stage can have a significant impact if the sequestered carbon is released back into the environment through incineration or decay in landfill. Table (1) End-of-life waste destination (reference 11) Insulation End of life waste destination (%) Landfill Incineration Recycled Expanded polystyrene (EPS): 90 9 1 Sheeps wool 100 0 0 Rockwool 40 10 50 2.3 Carbon footprint calculation The construction carbon calculator is used to determine the environmental impact for insulation materials. This tool was downloaded from the governments website (12). CO2 emissions calculation: The table below shows the total amount of co2 emissions for the three types of insulation. Table (2) Carbon footprint calculation for EPS, Sheeps wool and Rockwool Reference Unit Expanded Polystyrene Sheeps wool Rockwool Wall area m2 110 110 110 Insulation thickness Assumption m 0.1 0.1 0.1 Volume of insulation m3 11 11 11 Density Ref (13) kg/m3 37 25 45 Mass kg 407 275 495 Waste 5% Assumption kg 427.35 288.75 519.75 Carbon coefficient Ref(14) kgco2/kg 3.43 2.09 1.12 Embodied CO2 kg co2e 1465.8105 603.4875 582.12 Boundary Ref(14) cradle to gate cradle to gate cradle to grave Transport of material Manufacturer website 200 miles from Kent by road 175 miles from Liverpool by road Non Transport Embodied CO2 kg co2e 19 19 0 Waste destination Ref(11) 90% landfill 100% landfill 50% landfill Waste mass kg 366.3 275 259.875 Waste Embodied CO2 kg co2e 3.19 3.48 1.7 Transport of waste Assumption miles 100 100 100 Transport waste Embodied CO2 kg co2e 0.2 0.2 0.2 Total waste Embodied CO2 kg co2e 3.39 3.68 1.9 Energy consumed Assumption Kwh 200 200 200 Plant CO2 emissions kg co2e 119 119 119 Project duration (days) Assumption 3 3 3 Travel CO2 emissions kg co2e 130 130 130 Total kg co2e 1737.2005 875.1675 833.02 2.4 Conclusion As it can be seen from the previews calculation, the highest embodied CO2 emission is Expanded Polystyrene because of the higher carbon coefficient and end-of-life issue. For that reason EP is out of consideration. Sheeps wool is natural source, absorbing and releasing moisture without decreasing its thermal insulating properties. However, it has more CO2 emissions than Rockwool which also take it out of thought. In addition to Rockwool has less embodied CO2 emissions, it has excellent thermal insulation with more flexibility to install. Mineral wool has also superior fire resistance as well as better acoustic properties. The Paris Agreement main page (2001) Available at: (Accessed: 14 February 2017). DECC (2011), The Carbon Plan: Delivering Our Low Carbon Future, p.29. Department of Energy and Climate Change. Digest of United Kingdom energy statistics (DUKES). Available at: publications/dukes. Government Statistics (no date) Available at: http://4. (Accessed: 14 February 2017). Technology Strategy Board, 2014. Reducing energy use in existing homes, a guide to making retrofit work. RETROFIT FOR THE FUTURE, 1, 15. D Pickles, I Brocklebank C Wood, 2010. ENERGY EFFICIENCY IN HISTORIC BUILDINGS: Open fires, chimneys and flues. nglish Heritage, 1, 17. LED Lighting | Department of Energy. 2017. LED Lighting | Department of Energy. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 15 February 2017]. R. Sadgrove S.Pester, 2014. Installation of photovoltaic panels on existing flat roofs some lessons learned. BRE Information Papers, IP 8/14, 7. SEI, Retrofitted Passive Homes, 2009. Retrofitted Passive Homes: Guidelines for upgrading existing dwelling in Ireland. Retrofitted Passive Homes, 1, 15. Shorrock L D and Utley J I. Domestic energy fact file 2003,BRE BR 457. Bracknell, IHS BRE Press, 2003. K Albury J Anderson , 2011. Environmental Impact Of Insulation . BRE TRUST, 2011. 10 Government Website. 2007. Construction Carbon Calculator. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 28 February 2017]. 2016. Jablite EPS . [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 28 February 2017]. Sheep Wool Insulation Premium. 2016. Sheep Wool. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 28 February 2017]. Prof.Hammond Jones, Prof.G and C, 2011. The Inventory of Carbon and Energy (ICE). 1st ed. UK: University of Bath Table (3) Full data of the development plan Current Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7 Overall Assignment Results Current New boiler Insulated Floor Insulated walls Insulated roof Minimising infiltration LED lighting PV panel UPVC Triple glazing UPVC door Dwelling volume (m ³) 223.6 223.6 223.6 223.6 223.6 223.6 223.6 223.6 223.6 223.6 Effective air change rate 1.2261 1.2261 1.2261 1.22614 1.2261 0.66878 0.6688 0.6688 0.66878 0.668784 Ventilation type 24d 24d 24d 24d 24d 24d 24d 24d 24d 24d Fabric heat loss (W/K ) 309.66 309.66 213.77 130.25 123.37 123.37 123.37 123.37 84.28 82.28 Total fabric heat loss (W/K ) 339.06 339.06 243.17 159.65 152.77 152.77 152.77 152.77 113.68 111.68 HLP (W/m ²K ) 4.2377 4.2377 3.2917 2.46769 2.3998 1.99406 1.9941 1.9941 1.60841 1.588676 Heat gains from water heating, (kWh) 1489.6 1489.6 1489.6 1489.65 1489.6 1489.65 1489.6 1489.6 1489.65 1489.648 Average Internal gains (W) 485.09 485.09 485.09 485.085 485.09 485.085 468.49 468.49 468.494 468.4936 Average Solar gains (W) 339.96 339.96 339.96 339.956 339.96 339.956 339.96 339.96 254.967 254.9673 Mean Internal temperature (C °) 17.534 17.534 18.063 18.6402 18.695 19.0535 19.043 19.043 19.3723 19.39251 Space heating requirement in kWh2/m2/year 203.94 203.94 160.8 119.082 115.45 91.3375 92.201 92.201 72.9319 71.72854 Efficiency of main space heating system 1 (in %) 0.66 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 Efficiency of water heater 0.66 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 Fuel for water heating, kWh 4281.2 3139.5 3139.5 3139.54 3139.5 3139.54 3139.5 3139.5 3139.54 3139.544 Electricity for pumps, fans and electric keep-hot 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Electricity for lighting (calculated in Appendix L) 284.43 284.43 284.43 284.428 284.43 284.428 85.328 85.328 85.3283 85.32833 Energy saving/generation technologies 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -2700 -2700 -2700 Average Fuel costs (p) 8.335 8.335 8.335 8.335 8.335 8.335 8.335 9.306 9.306 9.306 Additional standing charges 174 174 174 174 174 174 174 174 174 174 Total energy cost 1354.5 1050.7 <

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Interview Essay - Beverly Smith -- Interview Essays

Interview Essay - Beverly Smith Beverly Smith is currently 70 years old. She was raised in Fullerton and was part of a family of five children. Her mother influenced her life greatly. Beverly grew up quickly as a result of her mother's death when she was only 11 years old. Her mother was well honored by many. Beverly is actively involved in her religion, and enjoys exercising, and listening to music. Beverly's definition of happiness is "where your heart is involved, it is a focus outside of yourself." At times, she chooses to be contented rather than happy. As a child, she did not discuss her feelings, and it was hard for her to know when she was happy. When she is unhappy, Beverly turns to her faith. She practices what she preaches. She also turns to her close friends. Beverly says that she is wealthy in her friendships. Physical fitness is very important for Beverly's sense of happiness. She walked four miles to work for sixteen years, and now she attends aerobics class twice a week, reads her Bible daily, and enjoys listening to music. It makes Beverly unhappy that she does not get to spend time with her children. She says that she would like to get to know them better. In regard to dealing with difficult people, Beverly told the story about a neighbor of hers. This neighbor has a bad attitude and used to upset Beverly so much that she would cry every day before work, but now, she has learned not to let it affect her. She said that she also does not hold grudges. When Beverly's mother died, she was only 11 years old and it was terribly hard for her. She was the youngest of her brothers and sisters. They each had their own interests and activities, so she often found herself feeling lonely. Her childhood affect... ... focus on differences more than relationships. Beverly is usually pleased with herself because she is usually happy. She does not work on perfection, but on excellence. She is also comfortable with herself and with being alone. She is very interested with religion and would like to study more. Even though she has many male friends, she would like to have a man in her life. Her advice for finding happiness is to stay open to life, run with every experience, and always get up when you fall. My interview with Beverly Smith really helped me to stay open to the many possibilities life holds for me. It helped me to realize that I should follow my passions in order to be happy and how much the decisions I make now affect my future. I hope that someday I can achieve at least half as much as she has in her life. I admire her independence, charisma, and perseverance. Interview Essay - Beverly Smith -- Interview Essays Interview Essay - Beverly Smith Beverly Smith is currently 70 years old. She was raised in Fullerton and was part of a family of five children. Her mother influenced her life greatly. Beverly grew up quickly as a result of her mother's death when she was only 11 years old. Her mother was well honored by many. Beverly is actively involved in her religion, and enjoys exercising, and listening to music. Beverly's definition of happiness is "where your heart is involved, it is a focus outside of yourself." At times, she chooses to be contented rather than happy. As a child, she did not discuss her feelings, and it was hard for her to know when she was happy. When she is unhappy, Beverly turns to her faith. She practices what she preaches. She also turns to her close friends. Beverly says that she is wealthy in her friendships. Physical fitness is very important for Beverly's sense of happiness. She walked four miles to work for sixteen years, and now she attends aerobics class twice a week, reads her Bible daily, and enjoys listening to music. It makes Beverly unhappy that she does not get to spend time with her children. She says that she would like to get to know them better. In regard to dealing with difficult people, Beverly told the story about a neighbor of hers. This neighbor has a bad attitude and used to upset Beverly so much that she would cry every day before work, but now, she has learned not to let it affect her. She said that she also does not hold grudges. When Beverly's mother died, she was only 11 years old and it was terribly hard for her. She was the youngest of her brothers and sisters. They each had their own interests and activities, so she often found herself feeling lonely. Her childhood affect... ... focus on differences more than relationships. Beverly is usually pleased with herself because she is usually happy. She does not work on perfection, but on excellence. She is also comfortable with herself and with being alone. She is very interested with religion and would like to study more. Even though she has many male friends, she would like to have a man in her life. Her advice for finding happiness is to stay open to life, run with every experience, and always get up when you fall. My interview with Beverly Smith really helped me to stay open to the many possibilities life holds for me. It helped me to realize that I should follow my passions in order to be happy and how much the decisions I make now affect my future. I hope that someday I can achieve at least half as much as she has in her life. I admire her independence, charisma, and perseverance.

Friday, October 11, 2019

A Comparison of The Yellow Wallpaper and The Darling -- comparison com

In Charlotte Perkins Gilman's, "The Yellow Wallpaper", and Anton Chekhov's, "The Darling", we are introduced to main characters with lives surrounded by control. In Gilman's, "The Yellow Wallpaper", the main character, which remains nameless, is controlled by her husband, John. He tells her what she is and is not allowed to do, where she is to live, and that is she is not permitted to see her own child. In Chekhov's, "The Darling", the main character, Olenka, allows her own opinions and thoughts to be those of her loved ones. When John puts the narrator into the room, she writes in despite of him telling her that she should not. At the end of her first passage, the narrator tells us, "There comes John, and I must put this away - he hates to have me write a word". The narrator was told that writing and any other intellectual activity would exhaust her. The only thing that exhausts her about it is hiding it from them. The narrator tells us, "I did write for a while in spite of them; but it does exhaust me a good deal - having to be so sly about it, or else meet with heavy opposition". Conrad Shumaker suggests that John believes that if someone uses too much imagination then they will not be able to figure out reality. "He fears that because of her imaginative 'temperament' she will create the fiction that she is mad and come to accept it despite the evidence - color, weight, appetite - that she is well. Imagination and art are subversive because they threaten to undermine his materialistic universe" In Gilman's "Why I Wrote the Yellow Wallpaper", Gilman tells us that when she was sent home from the rest cure, Dr. Mitchell gave her "solemn advice to 'live as domestic a life as far as possible,' to 'have but two hours intellectual... ...lf. Her thoughts were always for someone beside herself. When Olenka was alone "she had no opinions of any sort. She saw the objects about her and understood what she saw, but could not form any opinion about them, and did not know what to talk about." Olenka had nothing to make conversation and if she would make conversation, she could not give her opinion. In conclusion, both women had a strong control factor in their life. In "The Yellow Wallpaper", the main character makes no decisions of her own. Her husband, John, controls everything she does. In "The Darling", the men surrounding her life control all of Olenka's opinions. The men do not mean for it to be this way but that is just how Olenka is. She allows herself to not be able to think on her own. These characters have similar personalities. They both allow themselves to be controlled throughout their lives.

The Rapid Growth and Development of South Korea

The rapid growth and development in the newly industrialising economies (NIE†s) in recent decades has been nothing short of spectacular. Now among the world†s most dynamic industrialised economies, the NIE†s of Singapore, Taiwan Hong Kong, and South Korea which will be the focus, stand as perhaps the best examples of successful economic development. The economic development of South Korea, which has been among the most rapid in the world is typical of the ‘miracle† that is the NIEs. Korea has come far since the days it was ‘a nation of hungry rice farmers†, by pursuing an industrialisation-led development commitment since 1961, which has since produced annual GDP growth of 8.4% per annum, second only to China. The success of South Korea, has been identified by a number of factors including the shift away from import substitution strategies towards export orientated industrialisation, and the effective managing of the economy and authoritarian rule adopted by the government in order to accelerate the pace of capital accumulation, technical progress and structural change to produce economic growth beyond what could possibly occur in a free market economy. NIEs, South Korea, are now recognised as ‘export machines† boasting some of the highest trade/GDP ratios in the world. International economic relations began in 1964 with the recognition of these limitation of the domestic market and the ineffectiveness of pursuing substitution industrialisation strategies. As part of its new strategy for export expansion the South Korean government introduced new measures which included the devaluation of the won, which improved the competitiveness of its exports and introduced incentives designed to channel resources into export-orientated industries. Exporters were also supported by direct cash payments, permission to retain foreign exchange earnings for the purchase of imports, and the exemption from virtually all import controls and tariffs. The government in consultation with firms, set up export targets for industries as well as individual firms. These targets appeared to have influenced firm behaviour and supporting this claim was from between 1961 and 1973 the volume of exports increased at an annual rate of 35% and today continues to consistently rank in the top twenty trading nations. Over the last 30 years the share of manufactures in total exports has increased from 12% to 95%. Furthermore the manufactures exported have themselves changed with more advanced products, led by electronics dominating the list of major exports and hence the importance of the Samsung and Lucky Goldstar to the Korean economy. The direction of trade has also changed somewhat, where South Korean exports went largely to the USA and imports came from Japan, Asian countries excluding Japan are now South Korea†s major trading partners. The importance of China is also becoming of increasing significance. South Korea†s economic success as noted can also be contributed to the high levels of savings and investment. South Korean†s save about 35% of GNP and thus sustainable economic growth has been driven by capital stock accumulation and expanded productive capacity. Indeed some figures show up to 60% of economic expansion in South Korea is a result of capital accumulation and increase infrastructure. Undoubtedly one of the most important rationalisations for economic success is effective government intervention. Selective government intervention has promoted the development of new industries, many of which have become internationally competitive and also supported and advanced the growth of the private sector. The main aim of the government in South Korea has been to ensure that the behaviour of individual business accorded with the long term interest of the business class as a whole, and while applying authoritarian rule recognising when it was time to allow the market to operate on its own. Apart from the macroeconomic management, government in the NIEs have also sought to accelerate the pace of capital accumulation, technical progress and structural change beyond what would have resulted from â€Å"laissez-faire.† All NIEs pursued trade policies, supporting industrial deepening and the development of national firms with selective incentives to promote exports. In South Korea for example, the government gave Chaebols preferential access to bank loans, relying on them to develop heavy and chemical industries capable of competing internationally. Indeed four decades of industrial development in South Korea have been marked by what have been marked as ‘incestuous ties† between big business and government. In recent times government has been hostile to the conglomerates but the appointment of Mr Kim Suk Won to the ruling party has reopened an old wound over the role of big business and politics in South Korea. The role of the Chaebols in the Korean economy was a substantial reason for Korea†s success over the last 40 years. The Chaebols are the large multi-company family owned business entities which are both horizontally and vertically integrated. Examples include Samsung, Hyundai, Lucky Goldstar and Daewoo, which together account for over half the total output. The Chaebols have played a major role in the economic development of Korea. They were given preferential access to bank loans and were relied upon to develop the HCIs (as they had the resources and ability to compete in foreign markets). Indeed, the period of the HCIs drive marked the most rapid expansion of the Chaebols. The Chaebols engaged in fierce and even ruthless competition with one another on the many fronts of industry, with at least 4 or 5 competitors in each industry, which all contributed to the economic expansion of the economy. The government in South Korea, as well as other NIEs has supported a technology policy. By providing a favourable tax environment, government has indirectly encouraged business research and development expenditure. The Korean government for example grants a tax credit equal to 10% of capital expenditures. Current policies are aimed at achieving a 5% share of research and development expenditure in total GNP by 2001. The government has also aided fundamental technological development in advanced materials, advanced vehicle technology, bio materials and nuclear reactors. The role of the government in South Korea was also to provide these financial incentives to promote the development of particular industries. Interest Rates for example were kept generally low and stable in order to reduce the cost of investment. Designated industries received priority in allocation of bank credit, state investment funds and foreign exchange, The government in South Korea deliberately distorted prices and incentives as to improve the market outcome and accelerate economic growth. The government in South Korea also actively pursued competition policies. This intervention works both ways. In other words competition policy restricted the competition or promoted competition policy in the areas depending on the circumstances. In South Korea the government granted exemptions to conglomerates from laws governing monopolistic practices. Competition policy has been married with industry policy. In this the role of government has been limited with government policy interacting with the competitive strategies of private firms. Governments in the NIEs have been remarkably stable. This has had obvious benefits on the economy. There is no standard formula for government in the NIEs and there are differences between them across nations. Singapore for example has a paternalistic government whilst Hong Kong is essentially â€Å"laissez-faire† Stability is the only real link between governments of the NIEs. As the South Korean economy reached a more mature stage of economic growth problems regarding the structural change in the economy began to surface. The agricultural sector in South Korea for example is now only a third of its original size. Most notably there has been a marked shift to the tertiary sector. There has been obvious problems and challenges resulting from this. Most notably rapid growth has brought about labour shortages in key sectors such as electronics, heavy machinery and shipbuilding. Such shortage of labour in which employers have noone to fill vacancies made by expanded productive capacity will threaten South Korea†s booming exports, which is seen as the vehicle for growth in South Korea. The problem is further compounded by an increasing reluctance among school leavers to ‘dirty their hands† in industry and the inability and unwillingness to attract foreign labour. After growth and development in South Korea for so long was driven by government intervention one of the most important challenges facing the matured economy was for the government to relinquish much of its influence over the economy and to allow market forces to operate effectively. If South Korea is to continue to growing as a truly advanced industrialised nation then obviously the market mechanism will have to be let to operate freely. This will take time and cause and also cause relative social unrest. As the South Korean economy has reached a mature stage, it has recognised the old regulatory environment that led to high levels of inputs especially in manufacturing sectors but low levels of productivity must change. In manufacturing, Korea has massively invested in the best available technology but because of protectionism and poor corporate governance in banks and companies, it was not forced to adopt the best managerial practices. As a result labour and capital productivity are in most manufacturing sectors less that 50% of US levels and thus must be one of the challenges for future success of the Korean economy. Other challenges that Korea has had to face, continues to face, and must overcome are the consistent current account deficits (CADs) and foreign debt which may put a constraint on South Korea†s future economic performance. South Korea†s economy relies heavily on high exports and thus is susceptible to global fluctuations. Secondly there is a pressing need in South Korea to use imports more efficiently. Furthermore, the greatest of the challenges Korea has had to face to date was the Asian Financial Crisis of 1997. Up to this point in time many economists looked favorably upon the economic fundamentals of Korea. However, due to excess short term debt over the long term debts, excess debt over equity and the generating of wealth through asset price bubbles, which was clearly unsustainable, these vulnerabilities only required a small shock which was initiated by the devaluation of the Thai baht in July 1997. As an advanced economy, South Korea now needs far more than simply hard work and determination to succeed in this new century, Companies in South Korea need to keep ahead of the profound social, economic and political transition. It is the inherent need for human capital that drives much of South Korea†s business and government spending. Many would agree that a well educated workforce is paramount to future success. In the future, South Korea will need to reform its financial sector, remove the burden of excessive business regulation, provide a more favourable environment for foreign investment and restructure its economy away from declining manufacturing and agricultural industries towards services and sophisticated manufacturing. The prospects for continued economic growth hinge on the success of the aforementioned drivers for economic growth. Deregulating services in addition to lowering barriers to imports, allowing FDI (which can reduce the risks of future financial crisis in the medium and long term) and improving corporate governance would be the key to restoring strong growth in Korea. This reduction would come mainly because fair competition with best practice together with more careful bankers and demanding shareholders would force Korean manufacturers to improve their return their return on investments. In an increasingly globalised economy higher productivity in manufacturing and low import barriers would allow domestic competition to increase due to lower prices. Opening the domestic market would not lead to an increase in the trade deficit or external debt as higher capital productivity would reduce the need to import capital. In overall terms, prospects for South Korea†s economy are favourable, but the high rate of success from the growth performance in the 1980†³s will be difficult to replicate. The next phase of the Asian miracle that will involve China emerging as the world†s largest economy within 10 years and the re-emerging Japanese economy will provide substantial benefits for the Korean economy. Some important strengths of the economy include: a well educated and motivated workforce, a growing level of R&D, continued rates of high savings, greater regional trade links and potential for domestic growth through increased infrastructure investment, housing and personal consumption. In summation, South Korea is an economy which initially through selective government intervention and now through domestic and international reforms, sped to economic might. Although there are many challenges in the longer term making South Korea†s future uncertain, (including the reunification with the ailing, unstable North) the fact South Korea has come so far argues well for the future. If South Korea can make the necessary changes to its economy to become a sustained industrialised nation then it will certainly take its place as an economic leader in the near future.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Good and Bad Arguments

ASSIGNMENT 1 MODULE 1 SHORT ANSWER PAPER Distinguish between good and bad arguments. Give the elements of ethical arguments. On what grounds do you distinguish between fact and mere opinion? An argument is a group of statements where one of which is supposed to be supported by the rest. The premise is the supporting statement and the conclusion is the statement being supported. Ethical arguments must have premise(s) and a conclusion and may appear in any order. Often arguments have indicator words that signal a premise or conclusion is near.There are two types of arguments, deductive and inductive and they can be valid or invalid, strong or weak, or sound or cogent. A good argument has a conclusion that is worthy and gives good reasons to accept a claim, where a bad argument fails to have a premise or conclusion or both. A true argument always has something to prove and presents good reasons to a claim. An argument is not the same thing as persuasion but if you express it correctly a nd prove something then you may be able to persuade people by reasoning and not by appealing to them via other methods.Good arguments have true premises and show its conclusion is worthy of belief, it also both must have the correct form by being either valid (having true premises that logically prove that the conclusion is also true) or strong (having premises that provide probable support for its conclusion). A bad argument proves nothing however it can still be persuasive. A bad argument can persuade someone by influencing them by any means besides reason.A bad argument has false premises that lead to false conclusions, these conclusions are called fallacies. Fallacies though wrong can be persuasive. There are nine different types of fallacies which all try to persuade by appealing to people’s emotions, using linguistic or rhetorical tricks, deception, threats, lack of evidence, using invalid citations and many other tricks. To check if a argument is bad you must learn dif ferent techniques, do research, and beware when there is conflicting evidence.To distinguish between fact and opinion in an argument you must check the form, the validity of the argument, and whether or not the premise has any truth. If something is a fact it is a statement or a claim that asserts that something is either true or false. Opinions are based on moral judgments, principles, and theories. Opinions also take into account feelings, desires, and beliefs. However in an argument both a fact and a opinion can be proven if the opinion has a good premise.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

ESL PAPER based on ''outcast united'' Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

ESL PAPER based on ''outcast united'' - Essay Example In fact, the coaching style of Coach Luma was what the kids needed to push themselves hard and to be better than what they actually are because it is only their selves that they got in a foreign country. This kids cannot afford to be lax because they do not have any support system to fall back on so they need to be pushed hard. In addition, the fiery style of Coach Luma may be acceptable to these kids who may have been desensitized already having seen violence and murder from their respective countries of origin. They may not take offense with the strong language and style of Luma because they are used to it already. Had Coach Luma Mufleh been a â€Å"nice† coach, these kids may perceive it as soft and thus weak that they would not respect the coaching style. This coaching style of Coach Luma is not applicable to affluent suburban town due to many reasons. First, their circumstances are different. Kids in affluent suburban town have very strong support system and they do not need to be berated to push themselves hard. These kids may be spoiled and Luma’s coaching style may not sit well with that instead of being motivated to train harder, they may fight back at the coach. In addition, there may be parents watching during training. If Coach Luma will do to the affluent suburban kids what was done to the refugee kids, the coach may be in a big trouble with the lawsuits that will be filed by the parents. Kids from affluent suburban cities are also sensitive and are not used to being berated. They are used to American treatment that kids are being treated nicely and protected by anti-child abuse law. If Coach Luma yells at them, the coach may be sued. Child abuse is a serious case in America. This is not to say that Coach Luma’s coaching style is bad. It is just that it can only be applicable and effective to a certain set of

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Westward Migration in 1800s Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Westward Migration in 1800s - Essay Example John O'Sullivan, it is considered by the United States to be a divine mission to spread and possess the whole continent for the development of liberty and self-government to which the United States is known to. Philosophically speaking, this is true. Indeed many American authorities had a strong belief that their country's freedom and ambitions are very ideal and perfect that it should be shared to other countries beyond their jurisdiction. This was actually promoted by the Young America movement headed by Franklin Pierce. Realistically speaking however, this was not the case. The otherwise divine mission became an excuse, a moral justification that inspired the origin of imperialism in forcefully occupying the lands of those who previously live in peace and abundance. Most leaders and politicians promoted territorial expansion towards the west because of the desire to acquire new lands. Acquisition of more lands does not only connote more power; it represents additional source of income and wealth. During that time, the United States were already in the process of producing goods that require raw materials. These raw materials however could not be found therein as it has not much natural resources sufficient to provide its needs.

Monday, October 7, 2019

Trace character vs. fate theme Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Trace character vs. fate theme - Essay Example Nevertheless ancient civilizations of Europe: Greece and Rome had presented new outlooks, new philosophies and ethics which were based on humanism and materialism. Ancient Greek philosophers and dramaturges had presented a new, liberal and unique idea of human's place in the universe. It was a human-centered philosophy, based on ration, sensualism and freedom of thought. Plato's Allegory of the Cave has become classical example which presents the world we live in: "Behold! Human beings living in an underground cave, which has a mouth open towards the light and reaching all along the cave; here they have been from their childhood, and have their legs and necks chained so that they cannot move, and can only see before them, being prevented by the chains from turning round their heads. Above and behind them a fire is blazing at a distance, and between the fire and the prisoners there is a raised way; and you will see, if you look, a low wall built along the way, like the screen which marionette players have in front of them, over which they show the puppets." (Plato, 2000, p.297) Allegory of the Cave is a symbolic name as it implies that human's world is not a world of darkness, where there is no way out, where everything is preplanned and where everyone has his own fate. The word "cave" means that there exists a way out, and this way is will power, confidence and knowledge based on rationalism of enquiring mind. There exists a sun at the end of cave, and sun of knowledge and reason shines for everyone and creates harmony, confidence and promotes social progress. The freedom-loving and democratic spirit of Plato's works and of Allegory of the Cave in particular case witnesses about original and new philosophy of human-centered universe, where the fate meant nothing but a cave or prison, as it was only a "prison" of human's will and mind. Plato stated that: "the man who truly worships the stars does not need to enquire what fate they weave for him, he is lifted above the reach of fate in his communion. By becoming one with the stars, he becomes one with his own fate." (Plato, 2000,p.194) Plato continues his discourses about human will, human nature, feelings and reason in his another work The Symposium which is written in the form of dialogue (like "the allegory") of several prominent citizens of Athens: dramaturges and philosophers. The theme of conversation is love, a very contradictory theme and very subjective. Nevertheless The Symposium remains to be a classical reference for study of this theme. As every participant in the dialogue presents his own point of view, presents his arguments, myths and discourses about love, we see the diverse ethic atmosphere in Ancient Greece, such triumph of human reason and ethical thought. Through logical and exhaustive discourses about love in the dialogue of famous Greeks we observe the power of subjective thinking and power of speech through arguments. It's a dialogue of people who are confident in their ethical principles and are confident that they are able to change something in the surrounding word. Their speeches do not contain elements of mysticism in the volume we can find in works of earlier authors such as Homer for example, their

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Friedreich's Ataxia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Friedreich's Ataxia - Essay Example Loss of frataxin in the system results in deregulation of iron levels in the mitochondria causing oxidative stress that kills the cells. This leads to a degeneration of the spinal cord, brain, and nerve communications to the muscles. Symptoms are generally manifested early in life between the ages of 5 and 25. Diagnosis is usually accomplished by observing symptoms and self-reporting of symptoms. Symptoms can include spinal curvature, impaired swallowing, deformed feet, and cardiomyopathy (impaired heart muscles). In addition, with the identification of the specific genes responsible, genetic testing can be done to accurately diagnosis the disease. A family history of Friedreich's Ataxia is also an indicator used in diagnosis. As with many of the ataxias, there is not a cure but there are regimens indicated to treat the specific symptoms. Treatment for Friedreich's ataxia generally requires the close cooperation of multiple physicians in several disciplines. The main overall goal for the patient is to remain in good health by a healthy diet and good physical exercise. Diabetes is often closely correlated with Friedreich's Ataxia and treatment consists of insulin. Further treatment is administered on an as needed basis. Propranolol, a beta blocker, may be prescribed to control muscle spasms.

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Scholarly Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Scholarly Analysis - Essay Example The communication can be considered as an objective instead of a natural phenomenon specifically for example within the human society. This can be attributed to the fact that although people communicate and talk to each other, the understanding the behavior and the implicit working of the human mind is one of the most challenging field of study (Bauch, 2001). The communication between the different systems and the parts within a system can be considered as an important concept of the system theory (Bauch, 2001). When Abby failed to communicate with the people around and present normal behavior, it can be considered as a failure to achieve the main objectives of the system One of the concepts of the system theory is the connectivity or the internal cohesiveness of a particular system. One of the applications of the said concept is within the family which can be considered as an important system on its own (Miller, 1965; Napier and Whitaker, 1980). In the case of Abby, she can be perceived to have a strong connection with her older sister. This can be attributed to different factors such as gender and sharing similar interests and even space (having the same room). The death of the elder sister can be considered to have an effect to the balance of her regular functioning, if expressed in a term related to the systems theory. In relation, another concept is the closure in a system which can be considered as the integrity of the relationships that is intrinsic to the system (Miller, 1965; Napier and Whitaker, 1980). In terms of the case study the interactions and the interrelationships within the family which involves Abby, her sister, brother, parents, aunt and nanny can be considered as the factors contributing to her behavior. The drastic changes that occurred on the death of her sister resulted in the discrepancy in her acquainted environment. The stability is included in the important concepts covered by the

Friday, October 4, 2019

Greenmail & firing employees Essay Example for Free

Greenmail firing employees Essay The term is a greenmail is formed by combining the terms greenback and blackmail, invented by journalists and commentators who saw the practices of corporate raiders as a form of blackmail. The target company is financially held hostage, and is legally forced to pay the greenmailer to go away. Greenmailing is a variation on the corporate raid or hostile takeover. The greenmailer commonly targets a publicly traded company that is cash rich but often undervalued, with large assets and possibly a solid customer base. Other targets are companies that are simply inefficient. The greenmailer isnt really interested in the business of the company. It doesnt want to own the company, improve it, or further build it up. It will, if forced to acquire the target, sell its parts off piecemeal, which can bring a greater profit than selling the whole target. This is called asset stripping and involves replacing management and firing employees. Greenmail proved lucrative for investors such as T. Boone Pickens and Sir James Goldsmith during the 1980s. In the latter example, Goldsmith made $90 million from the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company in the 1980s in this manner. Occidental Petroleum paid greenmail to David Murdoch in 1984. However, if a proper greenmail occurs, the greenmailer merely secures a significant stake in the target company. The greenmailer can offer to end the threat to the target company by selling its share back at a substantial premium. The target or mark can also go private with the same results: a profit to the greenmailer. The greenmailer gets away with no oversight, low overhead, and its profits. The target is left poorer and without the assets that attracted the raid in the beginning. A company which agrees to buy back the bidders stock position avoids being taken over. In return, the bidder agrees to abandon the takeover attempt and may sign a confidential agreement with the greenmailer who will agree not to resume the maneuver for a period of time. Greenmail is a corporate defense mechanism to buy back shares from shareholders attempting to control the firm. The practice has many critics but it can result to potential windfall for the company by protecting company shares from low takeovr bids and gives the firm the opportunity to restructure management. While benefiting the greenmailer, the company loses capital and other assets. This hamstrings its future growth potential. This means the shareholders lose as well in addition to impacting the supplier and customers economically linked to the company. Generally the companys existing management may remain in place but the employees usually see their ranks reduced. Courts in states such as Calfornia have favored shareholder lawsuits, based on the contention that greenmailer constituted a breach of fiduciary responsibility. Greenmail is arguably counter productive because once such a payment becomes public others may feign a takeover attempt. Greenmail is money paid by a company (or allied company or individual) to acquire its own shares of stock from a shareholder who is threatening to take control of, or unwanted influence over, the company. In the parlance of the financial community, strategies to prevent a takeover are called a Poison pill. This implies that the corporate raider will suffer if they try to swallow the target of the takeover. This involves a myriad of arcane changes in the details of corporate ownership structure, investment market rules, and may involve legal requirement in the jurisdiction where the company is incorporated. Individual states may pass protectionist laws that impose limits for launching formal bids, or obligations to seek shareholder approval for the buyback of its own shares, and in Federal tax treatment of greenmail gains have all made greenmail far less common since the early 1990s. Heckmann et al. v. Ahmanson trial in July 1989. This was one of the final cases involving the payment of greenmail. Greenmail is slang for targeted share repurchases transactions in which a company repurchases shares from specific holders, rather than on the open market. In the 1980s, it was not uncommon for companies to pay greenmail to large investors who were challenging corporate management and threatening a takeover of the firm. In this case, Disney had paid a premium price to repurchase shares accumulated by Saul Steinbergs Reliance Group. Working with attorney Michael Hennigan, I explained to the jury how this could damage Disneys other shareholders and to estimate the amount of the damage. Following my direct examination, as Arthur Liman was standing to begin his cross, the judge decided recess the trial early for the July 4th holiday. During the recess, the case settled. It was the only greenmail case in which plaintiffs received a cash settlement.