Monday, October 21, 2019

Grandell essays

Grandell essays The theme for the fiction story named Grendel is The world is yet to be explored. In Grendel it shows that the theme for the story is The world is yet to be explored when Grendel thinks he knows everything about life, and religion and also about the humans and animals. Grendel thinks he knows everything about life because he says how stupid nature is that it doesnt even talk back and how stupid it is to be an animal that doesnt talk or think for anything. Grendel also states that he knows everything about humans intelligence, religion and weakness only because he spies them and knows how to dominate them. We may come to the conclusion that the theme of the fiction story of Grendel is The world is yet to be explored. I think this theme is important for this fiction story because without this theme it wouldnt have no sense at all because Grendel wouldnt be going around hunting on people and animals. If Grendel wouldnt have been going around hunting down people and animals which he also spied them he wouldnt have been doing nothing but pass all his time in his boring cave with his mom, the snakes and the unknown eyes that stared at him at night. Also if Grendel wouldnt have known the humans as good as he thinks he knows them he wouldnt probably even kill them because he said that didnt really needed to eat humans and that all that he really needed to eat were cows. I also think that Grendel only is entertaining because its all about a weird creature named Grendel that spies and kills humans all because he thinks his superior to everyone. We may also say that the theme is important bec ause most of the events in this fiction story deal with the exploring of the world by an unknown creatured named Grendel whom is the major character on this story. My first example to prove that the theme ...

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