Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Computer & Engineering Essay

How Individual information systems can improve personal productivity ( My Own Practice) Reading, writing, arithmetic, speaking, and listening are all considered basic skills. These skills are useful over a wide range of problems that people encounter. Now use of computer-based personal productivity tools is emerging as a new standard in education. My own skills improved and still growing with that strange hit and pick the keys of keyboard and the big different way to writing and do our thing without pencil or pen if I wont to draw my sketch ( Because I’m production engineer and how can make a report or set workers as list to describe the way to product. But I wont to set specific way and the main benefits from changing from pen to computer hit at key and I think it is the time for future systematic way to discuss our self by computerize way or systematic by set points and discuss productivity tools : My Process Writing: Many of the fundamental ideas regarding personal productivity tools can be illustrated using a word processor. It is likely that I have used a word processor; thus, a number of the ideas given here will be familiar with me. To begin, you know that there is a considerable difference between being able to use a writing tool–be it pencil and paper or a word processor–and being able to write [[effectively]]. The tool, by itself, does not make you into a writer. Writing is a process designed to produce a document that communicates a message. Typically, the production of a written product goes through several steps that, collectively, are known as process writing. 1. Conception of ideas and development of these ideas. This may involve brainstorming, doodling, making brief notes, and a lot of thinking. 2. Development of an initial draft. This involves getting the conceptualized ideas into words. 3. Obtaining and making use of feedback. Feedback from oneself and others is used to produce revised versions of the initial draft. Often this involves repeated cycling back to step 1 and/or 2. 4. Polishing the final draft for publication. This includes final cleanup on spelling and grammar. Nowadays, it often includes formatting the materials in a professional manner using desktop publishing techniques. Computers can play an important role in each of these four steps of process writing. While the first step may be primarily mental, there are a variety of pieces of software designed to aid in jotting down ideas and organizing these ideas. [[See specifically, software designed to aid in cognitive mapping or concept mapping.]] In addition, most modern word processors include an outliner. This makes it easy to get rough draft ideas into the machine and to reorganize them as needed. Revision is an important idea in problem solving as well. There are many problem-solving situations in which one can develop a proposed solution and then get feedback from oneself and others on the quality of the proposed solution. The feedback is then used in doing revisions to the proposed solution. The feedback and revision cycle continues until a satisfactory solution is obtained. Desktop publishing has become a major industry. All word-processing software contains provisions for producing a final document that is nicely laid out. Professionallevel desktop-publishing software contains a wide range of aids to produce professionallooking final products. Such documents often make use of graphics and color. They may be laid out in columns, make use of a range of type styles and sizes, and be designed to help convey their messages. A person can learn to keyboard in a hunt-and-peck mode with just a minute or so of instruction. Young children can learn such keyboarding more easily than they can learn to form letters using pencil and paper. Similarly, it takes only a few minutes of instruction to learn how to use a word processor in a hunt-and-peck mode. However, this low level of word-processor use is only a modest aid to productivity in writing. It is too slow and it does not take advantage of the powerful writing aids that are built into a modern word processor. Four things for a word processor to be a useful personal process writing aid: 1. Keyboarding skills. You need not be a touch typist, even though it is helpful. Many professional writers are not touch typists. They look at the keyboard and they use only a couple of fingers from each hand as they keyboard. However, they know where the keys are and they have considerable speed. The skills that they have developed are adequate to fit their needs. And I am good now at that speed to make the typing more easily. 2. Word-processing skills. For example, how do you do a cut and paste? How do you do a search and replace? How do you use a spell checker and a thesaurus? How do you create tables, alphabetize a list, or automate the production of an index and table of contents? The manual for a modern word processor may be many hundreds of pages in length. 3. Word processor-assisted writing skills. In essence, paper and pencil provide a linear writing environment where it is difficult to correct errors and even more difficult to make significant overall revisions to a document. Interchanging the order of two paragraphs requires recopying an entire page or more. The word- processing environment is different. It takes a lot of training and experience to unlearn some of the linear and restrictive writing habits that are required when working with pencil and paper, and to learn to take advantage of the power of a word processor. 4. Desktop publication knowledge and skills. Before the development of desktop publication, many people made a living in the design, layout, and typesetting of print materials. Both design and typesetting were skilled professions. Now, desktop publication tools have made the writer more and more responsible for design and â€Å"typesetting.† Generic Computer Productivity Tools We use the term generic tool to describe a software tool that is applicable over a wide range of different disciplines. The word processor and desktop-publishing tools discussed in the previous section are examples of generic tools. To make effective use of a generic tool, you need to know both the tool and the domain of application. You already have a reasonable level of expertise in many different domains. Thus, as you learn to use one of these generic tools, you will find that it is relatively easy to apply the tool to your areas of expertise. There are many software tools that might be considered generic. The following list has been arranged in alphabetical order and I am doing my work with that software tool because my work depend on it . Computer-assisted design (CAD). Notice how this computer application relates to spatial intelligence in the Howard Gardner list of multiple intelligences. CAD software is used to do architectural and engineering drawings of products that are to be constructed. A CAD system can be used in the design of all sorts of products. Such software is used in place of the ruler, compass, protractor, and other tools formerly used by the draftsperson. Database. A database is an organized collection of information, often specific to one particular topic. A telephone book is a database of names, addresses, and telephone numbers. A computerized database is much easier to edit (add entries, make corrections, delete entries) than a printed database. A computerized database is designed to make it easy to locate needed information. It is also designed to make it easy to sort information into a desired format or to prepare reports based on parts of the information. ï‚ · Desktop presentation (to university oral presentations). The overhead projector, filmstrip projector, movie projector, [[slide projector,]] tape recorder, and video projector have gradually merged into a computer-based system. Material to be presented is stored on computer disk in digital form and edited using the computer. The presenter then uses the desktop-presentation system interactively when making the oral presentation. Desktop publication. A computer system is used to store, edit, design, and lay out the materials that are to be published in printed form. Output may be to a printer, to film used to make plates to go on a printing press, or directly to a printing press. Graphics (paint and draw programs). A paint program has some of the characteristics of a set of painting tools, while a draw program has some of the characteristics of a set of drawing tools. Taken together, these tools can be used to accomplish a wide range of graphic artist tasks. The graphics that are produced can be used in a word-processing document, in desktop presentation, or in other types of computer applications. Graphing (for graphing data and functions). Numerical data is easily converted to a wide range of different types of graphs, such as bar graph, line graph, pie chart, and so on. Mathematical functions can be represented graphically. For example, a three-dimensional mathematical surface can be represented on the computer screen and then rotated to allow viewing from different perspectives. A lot of our project with university topics we do it by graphing. Groupware. This software combines telecommunications with personal productivity tools. It is designed to facilitate a group of people from different locations in working jointly, both simultaneously and individually, on a computer-based project. Increasingly, groupware will include provisions for the users to talk to each other and see each other as they work together. Hypermedia. A hypermedia document is designed to be used [[â€Å"read†]] interactively by a computer user. It may combine text, sound, graphics, color, and video in a nonlinear fashion. The nonlinearity and interactivity mean that â€Å"reading† a hypermedia document requires the use of a computer. Increasingly, our educational system is working to have students become â€Å"reading and writing† hypermedia literate. Math systems. There are a number of comprehensive software packages that can solve a huge range of math problems. Such software can solve the types of problems that students struggle over in algebra, calculus, and other math courses. The use of such software in these courses leads to a drastic change in the nature of the courses. And, of course, it leads to a drastic change in the ability of students to actually solve the types of problems they are studying in the courses. Spreadsheet. A spreadsheet is designed to aid in doing bookkeeping, accounting, and modeling of business problems. It can also be used in other computational situations in which one works with a table of numbers and formulas. A key feature is that the computer system can automatically rework all of the computations represented in the table whenever you make a change to any of the numbers or formulas. Telecommunications [(for communication among people, information, and machines)]]. Telecommunications is the electronic link between people, computers, and other machines. This may be via a local area network, perhaps just connecting people, computers, and machines that are all in one building. It may also be a worldwide connection, using local and long distance telephone lines, satellites, microwave systems, and fiber optics. Intelligent, digital connectivity is having a major impact on the societies and people of our planet. Word processor. A word processor is software designed to aid in writing. A modern word processor contains a number of features, such as a spell checker, thesaurus, graphics, and graphing, that may be of use to a writer. There is no clear dividing line between a word processor and desktop-publishing software. Although a generic computer-based personal productivity tool can be used in many different disciplines, each tool is oriented towards representing and solving certain somewhat specific types of problems. With me all that thing above change my way to solving problems and I try to make it more easily for me and update my experiences with the latest version of that software or methods .

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