Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Case study 10B Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Case study 10B - Assignment Example This type of story carries a negative impact on the team and everything associated with it. The reporters should look for such stories within their localities and work professionally and diligently. The reporter did not invade Sandusky’s privacy, this is due to the reasoning that the interview was to gather information in relation to the sexual abuse claims lodged against the coach. The interview would have mounted into an invasion of privacy if it was mainly focused on the coach’s private life and not a matter that resulted in the infringement of the rights of the children. Costas and other reporters should have conducted interviews on every individual associated with the team, this is the teammates of the victims, the assistant coaches, the school and any other person that might have witnessed such actions. The interview was fair and it will help a great number of people and children to open their eyes and look out for such actions performed by people. The utilitarian model theory suggests that it is ethical to ham and individual or small group of people for the greater good. The television network should have aired the interview when children were watching as they are the ones that are mostly affected by such actions and once it happens most of them tend to go silent about it. Through airing of the interview when children are watching it will allow them to watch out for such instances and report such cases earlier in future. The interview does not harm Sandusky’s constitutional right to a fair trial. Mr. Sandusky had a right not to answer the interview questions. Furthermore the matter was handled by a competent court and followed due process. The network did nothing wrong in attempting or conducting the interview. This type of journalism deserves numerous awards and it does not really matter who reported it. The interview shades light into issues affecting the society that needs immediate attention from every individual in a

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