Friday, November 1, 2019

Review of litterature Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Review of litterature - Term Paper Example As it progresses, the study informs the reader that the only reliable method of actually measuring the level to which medical care is available to segments of society is to measure it in a qualitative way (Morse, 1992). Therefore, the study also states that the many quantitative studies that have gone before are lacking with respect to the actual data they have attempted to measure or the lack thereof. Therefore, the study sets itself apart as a unique way in which the researches can know and understand the research question and work to draw inference to the greater problem at hand – access to healthcare in society. It is without question that this study is helpful in understanding the overall trends that currently exist with relation to healthcare access. However, both qualitative and quantitative research have their unique drawbacks with respect to being able to fully engage and answer the research question that is presented. In this case, the study begins by laying out the drawbacks that qualitative research has experienced in trying to answer this same research question; however, one could just as easily point out but a few of the drawbacks of using a quantitative approach for such a varied and personal issue as that of healthcare access among the disenfranchised (Siding, 2010). If anything, using a quantitative approach in such a situation risks dehumanizing the effects of non-access. However, on the flip side, over-emphasizing a qualitative approach might have the effect of focusing on one or two problem areas alone without understanding the root problem as it might apply to the society a s a whole. With respect to whether or not this research could be used to inform the development of a quantitative study, the answer is yes and no. As part of a literature review process, the study absolutely can be helpful for the researcher to understand many of the issues that underlie the research

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