Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Anatomy and Physiology of Body Systems

middling Apprenticeship in Health (Emergency C atomic number 18 aid) Edexcel L2 lambskin in Emergency C atomic number 18 Assistance (QCF) Unit 11 Anatomy and Physiology of corpse organisations A/602/5038 medical prognosis Name _Ashley Orwin____________________ Candidate Employer ___________________ Unit Overview This unit give kick the bucket learners a underlying understanding of how the em strategy is organized from st eithers up to constructs. Learners bequeath to a fault gain an understanding of the comp starnts and hunt downs of the principal(prenominal) frames of the automobile torso, wind to progress understanding of how illness or damage affects the conventionalism component assort of an organ or re master(prenominal)s. How you depart be valueed for unit 12This unit consists of one knowledge solution which will be assessed via a workbook. Outcomes assessment Criteria 1. Know how proboscis Systems atomic number 18 organised Knowledge Workbook 1. 1 label the mental synthesis of a typical cell1. 2 line the translation of interweave1. 3 draw the definition of an organ1. 4 delimit the definition of a carcass scheme1. 5 cleaveicularise directing cost practised in care for1. 6 approximate study variety meat inside the consistence cavities 2. Know the Functions of the respiratory System Knowledge Workbook 2. 1 Desc clapperclawe the snuff it of the respiratory governing personify of rules2. 2 Label the components of the respiratory tract2. Desc laugh ate the coordinate of the lungs2. 4 delimit the affect of respiration2. 5 disembowel the sign management of asthma attack attack 3. Know the kick the bucket of the Cardiovascular System Knowledge Workbook 3. 1 intimate the utilisation of thecardiovascular scheme3. 2 Label the construction of the warmness3. 3 State the galvanic driveion strategy of the tenderness3. 4 force the purpose of unalike causas of tide rip vessels3. 5Describe the pr operties of stock 4. Know how the peak-in-the-clouds governing proboscis substitutes psycheify functions Knowledge Workbook 4. 1 Outline the role of the na giveous establishment4. 2 pose the components of thereforeervous dust 5.Know how the raddled scheme functions Knowledge Workbook 5. 1 Outline the role of the nasal administration5. 2 Label the clappers of the framing5. 3 Describe the divergent types of skeletal breakts5. 4 Outline the birth in the midst of the muscular system and the skeleton In invest to commit this unit you moldiness complete this workbook to a satisfactory standard. Should you study any difficulties with this workbook your clinical tutors will be happy to live you 1. Know how the system systems ar organised. 1. 1 Label the social organization of a typical cell using the fol nones draw label the switch component of the cell.Nucleolus Nucleolus Smooth endoplasmic second stomach Smooth endoplasmic second stomach centre Nuc leus Centriole Centriole Cytoplasm Cytoplasm Cell membrane Cell membrane Mitochondria Mitochondria Rough endoplasmic reticulum Rough endoplasmic reticulum Golgi Byzantine Golgi complex 2. 2 Outline the definition of a interweave You enquire to decipher the succeeding(a) types of create from raw stuff in your state, epithelial, continuative, restless and brawniness specifying how brawn is sub dual-lane into twain voluntary and involuntary giving sequester typefaces. A collection of similar cells and the intercellular substances sur roaching them.thither atomic number 18 four basic kinds of weave in the eubstance epithelium, connective tissues including adipose tissue, course, chock up, and cartilage, go by dint of tissue and inwardness tissue. Epithelial Covers the whole pop tabu of the fig. It is do up of cells culminati simply packed and ranged in one or more than than layers. This tissue is specialised to frame of reference the covering or lining of to to each one one(prenominal) internal or outer consistence surfaces. conjunctive Connective tissue serves a connecting function it give births and binds some incompatible tissue. Nervous sickish tissue is obligated for sensing stimuli and transmitting presages to and from variant live on of an organism.Neurons argon the basic unit of vile tissue. Muscle tissue has ability to limber up and contrast and so brings to the elevatedest detail impetus and mechanical work in non-homogeneous engender outs of the automobile trunk. ( emaciated, smooth and cardiac) 1. 3 Outline the definition of an organ. An organ is a sum up of specialised tissues and cells that argon formed in cin one casert to form an organ which has a peculiar(prenominal) function indoors the some remainsate. E. g. the tone, usance for persisting crinkle well-nigh the dead organic expression. An organ is a mo of specialised tissues and cells that ar formed unneurotic to form an organ which has a detail function at heart the dead torso.E. g. the heart, use for incorporateing squanderer rough the proboscis. You pauperisation to con officer the sp atomic number 18-time activity in your excite, namely how specialized tissues defecate twain specialist functions or form a cave inicular structure such(prenominal)(prenominal) as the heart or lungs. 1. 4 Outline the definition of a automobile trunk system. The personify has many assorted variety meat all with their own particularised caprioles and are make up of unalike parts for type the respiratory system has the schnozzle, windpipe, point, bronchial tube, bronchioles, lungs and verbalize which are all use to breath.A host of variety meat workings in concert to achieve a particular function The carcass has many polar variety meat all with their own specialised jobs and are do up of contrasting parts for recitation the respiratory system has the nose, trachea, diaphragm, bronchial tube, bronchioles, lungs and oral fissure which are all use to breath. A meeting of variety meat working together to bring about a particular function You read to embroil in your answer that the system is comprised of a number of systems that withstand specific organs that bring in specialized functions, for physical exertion the lungs in the respiratory system. . 5 Define guiding cost employ in medicine Your answer must lead a clear definition of the spare-time activity terms and how these are used to describe the human beings race soundbox and baffleing of dickens injuries and/or organs. 1. captain Toward or at the upper part of the structure 2. insufficient Toward or at the begin part of the structure 3. lateral pass Away from the midplane of the organic structure / on the outer view 4. Medial Toward or at the midline of the trunk / on the inner brass 5. Posterior Toward spur of the luggage compartment 6. summital Toward or at th e front of the proboscis . Proximal Closer to the tiptop of concomitant of a limb to the personate trunk 8. Distal Further from the forefront of holdfast of limb 9. External grammatical construction adjoining(prenominal) to internal organs 10. in obdurate structure further from the internal organs 11. winner Toward or at the upper part of the structure 12. Inferior Toward or at the inflict part of the structure 13. Lateral Away from the midline of the eubstance / on the outer slope 14. Medial Toward or at the midline of the ashes / on the inner side 15. Posterior Toward sustain of the body 16.Anterior Toward or at the front of the body 17. Proximal Closer to the dapple of attachment of a limb to the body trunk 18. Distal Further from the point of attachment of limb 19. External structure closer to internal organs 20. innate structure further from the internal organs 1. 6 Label major organs within body cavities sail done with(p rosyicate) the diagram distinctly labelling the organs and major structures. Aorta Aorta Tarynx Tarynx windpipe trachea Heart Heart Superior mineral vein cava Superior mineral vein cava oesophagus Oesophagus Lung Lung diaphragm Diaphragm Aorta Aorta colorful Liver Inferior vena cava Inferior vena cava Spleen Spleen Gall bladder Gall bladder stand Stomach Pancreas Pancreas Kidney Kidney Ureter Ureter Small intestine Small intestine Appendix Appendix Large intestine Large intestine bladder Bladder Rectum Rectum Urethra Urethra Student nones and accessory Work sails. Directional Medical Terms As an Ambulance supervise Assistant you should be able to use directional medical terms. The first in- oral sex(postnominal) thing in learning about skeletal system and physiology is to know the anatomic position and body landmarks.To accurately describe body parts and position, sign rootage point and directional terms should be apply in a medical setting. The emend anatomical position is standing up (erect) with the feet parallel and the build up hanging at the sides with the palms facing forward and the hobbles pointing remote from the body. To precisely point out the chief ailment of a patient, the ECA or paramedic uses anatomical terms representing a certain body part. For example, a patient walks in the mite room with a laceration on the prat portion of the left(a) lower forking.To clearly state the battleground of injury the Paramedic uses the term sural which means the posterior surface of the lower leg rather than constitution buns area of the lower leg. Knowing these terms not scarce give the ECA or Paramedic a more accurate formulation of chief complaints and it as well saves time of a good deal of description. To clearly justify exactly the relation of a body structure to each otherwise, directional terms are used. For example to describe the descent or location of the heart to the blazonry, we lav say the heart is located in between the arms.Usin g anatomical terminology, this is denotative as the heart is medial to the arms. Hence, it is a more clear and precise rehearsal Common anatomical Terms (for reference purposes exclusively) ABDOMINAL ACROMIAL antecubital AXILLARY brachial BUCCAL carpal CERVICAL COXAL crural DIGITAL femoral FIBULAR INGUINAL penurious ORAL orbital PATELLAR pelvic STERNAL pubic TARSAL pectoral UMBILLICAL CALCANEAL cephalic DELTOID femoral GLUTEAL lumbar OCCIPITAL OLECRANAL popliteal SCAPUALR SURAL VERTEBRAL plantar Common Anatomical Terms (for reference purposes exactly) ABDOMINAL ACROMIAL ANTECUBITAL AXILLARY BRACHIAL BUCCAL CARPAL CERVICAL COXAL CRURAL DIGITAL FEMORAL FIBULAR INGUINAL NASAL ORAL ORBITAL PATELLAR PELVIC STERNAL PUBIC TARSAL THORACIC UMBILLICAL CALCANEAL CEPHALIC DELTOID FEMORAL GLUTEAL LUMBAR OCCIPITAL OLECRANAL POPLITEAL SCAPUALR SURAL VERTEBRAL PLANTAR The terms commonly used in practice are superior, inferior, lateral, medial, posterior, anterior, sural, proximal, dis tal, impertinent and internal.Using these terminologies constitute on the diagram below and attain the position of the directional medical terms. These terms will commonly be used in practice not only to describe injuries exactly to get out an take past(p) handover to other healthcare professionals. Supplementary indication The Tissues Tissue is a group of cells that impart a similar shape and function. contrastive types of tissues hindquarters be found in antithetic organs. In humans, there are four basic types of tissue epithelial, connective, muscular, and loathsome tissue. There sinless(prenominal)nessthorn be several(a) sub-tissues within each of the primeval tissues.Epithelial tissue covers the body surface and forms the lining for just about internal cavities. The major function of epithelial tissue let ins protection, secretion, absorption, and filtration. The skin is an organ made up of epithelial tissue which protects the body from dirt, spatter, bacter ia and other microbes that may be harmful. Cells of the epithelial tissue fuck off several(predicate) shapes as shown on the students worksheet. Cells burn be thin, flat to cubic to elongated. Connective tissue is the or so abundant and the to the highest period astray distri just nowed of the tissues.Connective tissues perform a variety of functions including reassert and protection. The following tissues are found in the human body, ordinary loose connective tissue, fat tissue, dense fibrous tissue, cartilage, jampack, course, and lymph, which are all dealed connective tissue. There are three types of muscle tissue skeletal, smooth, and cardiac. Skeletal muscle is a voluntary type of muscle tissue that is used in the contraction of skeletal parts. Smooth muscle is found in the walls of internal organs and credit line vessels. It is an involuntary type.The cardiac muscle is found only in the walls of the heart and is involuntary in nature. Nerve tissue is composed of sp ecialized cells which not only put on stimuli notwithstanding also conduct im winks to and from all parts of the body. Nerve cells or neurons are long and string-like. In tissues the simplest crew is called a membrane, or a sheet of tissues which cover or line the body surface or divide organs into parts. Examples take on the mucous membrane which lines body cavities. Tissues combine to form organs. An organ is a part of the body which performs a defined function.The final units of organization in the body are called systems. A system is a group of organs each of which contri preciselyes its cover to the function of the body as a whole 2. Know how the respiratory system functions 2. 1 Describe the function of the respiratory system. You quest to deal out the following topics in your answer, namely the optionion of Oxygen from the zephyr and the excretion of hundred dioxide. You also need to describe how the respiratory system chief(prenominal)tains the red-hot stand b alance of the lineage and how lungs are ventilated i. e. he act upon by which standard atmosphere enters the lungs. It may be utile to read the following text, Section 8- The Respiratory system, Ambulance divine service Basic Training Manual. Nancy Carolean (2007) Emergency Care in the Streets, chapters 11. 3-11. 16 inclusive Watch the following introduction before attempting this question, http//www. nlm. nih. gov/medlineplus/ency/ shapevideos/000018. htm The respiratory system, in close conjunction with the circulation system is lookable for bear body cells with essential group O and removing electromotive tweetly harmful blow dioxide from the body.The mouth and nose channel note from outback(a) the body by dint of a system of tubes of fall size that eventually constitute the twain lungs on either side of the heart within the chest cavity. The respiratory system, in close conjunction with the circulation system is obligated for supplying body cells with essenti al type O and removing potentially harmful carbon dioxide from the body. The mouth and nose channel denude from outside the body through a system of tubes of diminishing size that eventually reach the dickens lungs on either side of the heart within the chest cavity. 2. 2 Label the components of the respiratory tract. pick up the diagram below. Diaphragm Diaphragm rightly lung Right lung windpipe Trachea Alveolus Alveolus bronchial tube Bronchus Mouth Mouth Bronchioles Bronchioles rhinal cavity Nasal cavity 2. 3 Describe the structure of the lungs You need to subscribe the following in our answer, namely the structure of the lungs, there position within the pectoral cavity, the shape and membranes that cover them. If needed you brush off utilise a diagram to inspection and repair oneself your explanation. The two sponges- like lungs fill most of the chest cavity and are saved by the flexible ribcage. Together they form one of the body largerst organs.Their essential funct ion is gas transform taking decisive type O from the advertise and ejectling fade carbon dioxide to the enrapture. Air enters the lungs from the trachea, which branches at its base into main airways, the primary bronchi. distributively primary bronchus enters its lungs at a target called the hilum, which is also where the main course vessels pass in and out of the lungs. The primary bronchus divides into utility(prenominal) bronchi, all the time variegate magnitude in diameter. Many subsequent divisions from the nail downest airways the remnant and then respiratory bronchioles, which distribute air to the alveoli.This compo lay network of air passages resembles an modify tree, with the trachea as the trunk, and is cognize as the bronchial tree. They are corresponding trees from the pulmonic arteries and arterioles bring low-type O fall from the hearts unspoiled side and pneumonic venules and veins, upshoting high atomic number 8 smear to the heart left side. The two sponges- like lungs fill most of the chest cavity and are defend by the flexible ribcage. Together they form one of the body largest organs. Their essential function is gas inter variety show taking springy group O from the air and ejectling risky carbon dioxide to the air.Air enters the lungs from the trachea, which branches at its base into main airways, the primary bronchi. Each primary bronchus enters its lungs at a site called the hilum, which is also where the main production line vessels pass in and out of the lungs. The primary bronchus divides into secondary bronchi, all the time decreasing in diameter. Many subsequent divisions from the narrowest airways the terminal and then respiratory bronchioles, which distribute air to the alveoli. This intricate network of air passages resembles an inverted tree, with the trachea as the trunk, and is known as the bronchial tree.They are corresponding trees from the pulmonary arteries and arterioles bringing low-oxygen ancestry from the hearts right side and pulmonary venules and veins, issuinging high oxygen consanguinity to the heart left side. 2. 4 Outline the process of respiration Your answer of necessity to include the process of both internal and external respiration and public characterization of gases through a semi semipermeable membrane. You do not need to consider partial pressures and diffusion gradients in order to answer this question. ECTIS (2007) chapter 11. 12 delivers a worthful keenness into the mechanics of respiration.External extravagance is the process of deplumateing air particles from the atmosphere so that lungs and the main organs are the body expel carbon dioxide, a by result which is re drawd by the lungs. Internal inhalant is where the strain and cells hold in on oxygen most the body to different organs. CO2 the fluff harvest-feast is absorbed through the roue and sent back to the lungs and expired back into the atmosphere. Reference Ambulance s ervice basic train manual 2003 (updated January 2010) External inspiration is the process of extracting air particles from the atmosphere so that lungs and the main organs are the body expel carbon ioxide, a by product which is removed by the lungs. Internal inspiration is where the stock certificate and cells defy oxygen around the body to different organs. CO2 the go off product is absorbed through the communication channel and sent back to the lungs and expired back into the atmosphere. Reference Ambulance service basic homework manual 2003 (updated January 2010) 2. 5 Describe the initial management of asthma Your answer needs to focus on current outstrip practice clinical guidelines JRCALC 2006, Nice. As an ECA you are not permitted to administer any medicine such as adrenaline, Salbutalmol or Ipatropium common puzzle only Oxygen therapy.Consider management of a simple exacerbation and also demeanor threatening asthma. Ensure you structure your answer in the D,R,C,A,B ,C,D,E format. 1. Check for dangers that could injure you or the causalities and race around you. 2. Check reception levers by speaking to the person and tapping their elevate if they are unconscious 3. Ring 999 for support 4. Check that causalities airway is clear and determine for obstructions. Check the spo2 levels using a split second oximeter , checking oxygen sats are 94% or above.If they are below you will need to administer oxygen at 15lpm via an big(p) non re utterr until backup make out correct to administer salbutamol via a nebuliser block out at 8lpm until they symptom subside or transported to hospital for treatment. 5. Check for dangers that could injure you or the causalities and mass around you. 6. Check answer levers by speaking to the person and tapping their get up if they are unconscious 7. Ring 999 for support 8. Check that causalities airway is clear and odour for obstructions. Check the spo2 levels using a pulse oximeter , checking oxygen sats a re 94% or above.If they are below you will need to administer oxygen at 15lpm via an heavy(p) non re breather until backup come to lively to administer salbutamol via a nebuliser c draw pokerhe at 8lpm until they symptom subside or transported to hospital for treatment. Supplementary Worksheets and Reading foot Primary function of respiratory system is transport of O2 and CO2. This requires the four processes collectively known as respiration Fill out the blanks pulmonic ventilation is the deed of oxygen Into and out of the lungs (breathing). This involves gas pressures and muscle contractions. 1.External cellular respiration is the exchange of O2 (loading) and CO2 2. (Unloading) between logical argument and alveoli (air sacs). 3. Transport of respiratory gases between blood and tissues. 4. Internal Respirationis gas exchange between blood and tissue cells. The respiratory system is situated in the thorax, and is responsible for aerosolized exchange between the circulativ e system and the outside world. Air is taken in via the upper airways (the nasal cavity, pharynx and voice box) through the lower airways (trachea, primary bronchi and bronchial tree) and into the small bronchioles and alveoli within the lung tissue.The lungs are divided into lobes the left lung is composed of the upper lobe, the lower lobe and the lingula (a small remnant next to the flower of the heart), the right lung is composed of the upper, the middle and the lower lobes. To take a breath in, the external intercostal muscles contract, moving the ribcage up and out. The diaphragm moves down at the same time, creating prohibit pressure within the thorax. The lungs are held to the pectoral wall by the pleural membranes, and so expand outwards as well. This creates controvert pressure within the lungs, and so air rushes in through the upper and lower airways.Expiration is mainly due to the natural picnic of the lungs, which tend to go if they are not held against the th oracic wall. This is the mechanism behind lung collapse if there is air in the pleural space (pneumothorax) Each branch of the bronchial tree eventually sub-divides to form really narrow terminal bronchioles, which terminate in the alveoli. There are many millions of alveloi in each lung, and these are the areas responsible for gaseous exchange, presenting a massive surface area for exchange to occur over.Each tooth socket is really closely associated with a network of capillaries containing deoxygenated blood from the pulmonary arteria. The capillary and alveolar walls are very thin, fall by the waysideing rapid exchange of gases by passive diffusion along ingress gradients. CO2 moves into the alveolus as the constriction is a good deal lower in the alveolus than in the blood, and O2 moves out of the alveolus as the continuous flow of blood through the capillaries prevents saturation of the blood with O2 and leases maximal channelise across the membrane. The Earths atmosph ere is made up of only five gases nitrogen, oxygen, piss vapour, argon, and carbon dioxide.Several other compounds also are present. Complete the table below which details the firearm of inspired air. Percentage Present animate Air 100% Oxygen 20% Nitrogen 79% Carbon Dioxide 0. 04% peeing Vapour variable% Inert Gases 0. 15% Complete the table below providing a draft description of each structure. Structure description Nose The nose is mainly made up of cartilage castanets and fibrous tissues. Pharynx Pharynx is a cone shaped passageway star from the oral and nasal cavities in the head to the oesophagus and larynx. Larynx Is part of the respiratory system and is located between the pharynx and the trachea. We use it to talk and swallow. Trachea Trachea is a tube like a portion respiratory tract that connects the larynx with the bronchus and bronchioles lungs. This is also known as the windpipe. Bronchi Bronchi are the main part of the lung that goes through to the bronchioles. Bronchioles The tiny branch of air tubes within the lungs that are a continuation of bronchus. They join the bronchi to the alveoli Lungs Lungs are involved with inspiration of oxygen and expiration of CO2, which is a part of breathing. Alveoli partly within the lungs where gas and blood exchange occurs. Tiny air sacs with a large surface area and surrounded by dense network of capillaries Pleura Liquid that lubricates the lungs and keeps them working right. Offer some protection against concussion The rate of breathing differs signifi bungholetly when presented with a variety of illnesses and/or trauma. To adequately assess a patients respiratory function you must be able to recognise whether a patients respiration rate is bradypnoeic, tachypnoeic or within public parameters.Complete the table below to render this. Respiratory Rates Bradypneoic Normal Tachypnoeic neonate 40 Child 30 boastful 30 bronchial asthma Signs, Symptoms and Management. asthma is a condition that affects the airways the small tubes that carry air in and out of the lungs. When a person with asthma comes into contact with something that irritates their airways (an asthma depart), the muscles round the walls of the airways trim down so that the airways become narrower and the lining of the airways becomes inflamed and starts to swell. Sometimes, sticky mucus or phlegm builds up, which slew further narrow the airways. These reactions cause the airways to become narrower and irritated making it difficult to breath and leading to symptoms of asthma. Asthma is a long-run conditionthat can cause a cough, wheezing and breathlessness. The ghastliness of the symptoms varies from person to person. Asthma can be influenceled well in most people most of the time. In the UK, 5. million people are currently receiving treatment for asthma. Thatis1 in every 12 adults and 1 in every 11 children. Asthma in adults is more common in women than men. If you are diagnosed wi th asthma as a child, thesymptoms may disappear during your teenage years. However, asthma can return in adulthood. If childhood symptoms of asthma are moderate to life-threatening, it is more likely that the condition will play or return later in life. However, asthma does not only start inyoung people and can develop at any age. The cause of asthma is not plentifuly understood, but it is known that asthma often runs in families.You are more likely to have asthma if one or both of your parentshas the condition. What is asthma? Asthma is caused by dismission of the airways. These arethe small tubes, called bronchi,which carry air in and out of the lungs. If you have asthma, the bronchiwill beinflamed andmore subtile than normal. When you come into contact with something that irritates your lungs, known as a trigger, your airways become narrow, the muscles around them tighten and there is an increase in the end product of sticky mucus (phlegm). This makes it difficult to breath e and causes wheezing and coughing.Itmay alsomake your chest feel tight. A severe onset of symptoms is known as an asthma attack or an acute asthma exacerbation. Asthma attacks may require hospital treatment and can sometimes be life-threatening, although this is rare. For some people with chronic (long- uttermosting) asthma, long-term inflammation of the airways may lead to more permanent narrowing. Common triggers A trigger isanything that irritates the airways and brings on the symptoms of asthma. These differ from person to person and people with asthma may have several triggers.Common triggers include house rubble mites, animal fur, pollen, tobacco smoke, exercise, cold air and chest infections. Other types of asthma There areother types of asthma that can be made worse by certain activities * Work-aggravated asthma is pre-existing asthma that is made worse by dust and fumes at work. * Occupational asthma is caused by exposure to specific substances at work. For example, some nurses develop occupational asthma after exposure to latex, and some workers in the food-processing industry develop occupational asthma as a receipt of exposure to flour. OutlookWhile there is no cure for asthma, symptoms can come and go throughout your life. A number of treatments can help oneself bind the condition very effectively. Treatment is establish on two important goals * relief of symptoms * preventing future symptoms and attacks from developing Successful prevention can be achieved through a combination of medicines, lifestyle advice and give awaying and then avoiding potential asthma triggers Know how the cardiovascular system functions. 3. 1 Outline the role of the cardiovascular system. You need to provide a compact of the cardiovascular system its organs and their function.Watch the foundation to enable you to answer this question mighty. http//www. nlm. nih. gov/medlineplus/ency/anatomyvideos/000023. htm The functions of the cardiovascular system are to tr ansport nutrient, oxygen, water and remove groundless products from the cardiovascular system. The other function is to pump oxygenated blood around the body. 1. Deoxygenated blood enters the heart broad of CO2. 2. It gets vigoured through the heart through electric impulses into the lungs. 3. It gets rid of CO2 and replaces oxygen. 4. pipeline flows around the body giving zippy organs oxygen and taken away waste products. 5.Deoxygenated blood goes back into the heart. The functions of the cardiovascular system are to transport nutrient, oxygen, water and remove waste products from the cardiovascular system. The other function is to pump oxygenated blood around the body. 6. Deoxygenated blood enters the heart large of CO2. 7. It gets pushed through the heart through galvanizing impulses into the lungs. 8. It gets rid of CO2 and replaces oxygen. 9. line of descent flows around the body giving vital organs oxygen and taken away waste products. 10. Deoxygenated blood goes ba ck into the heart. 3. 2 Label the structure of the heart Complete both diagrams below.It may be utilizable to read section 9 of the Ambulance Service basic training manual. left hand Atrium Left Atrium Pulmonary arteria Pulmonary arteria Pulmonary veins Pulmonary veins Inferior vena cava Inferior vena cava Right heart heart heart ventricle Right ventricle Septum Septum Left ventricle Left ventricle arterial valve Arterial valve Bicuspid valve Bicuspid valve angular valve Tricuspid valve Right atrium Right atrium Pulmonary valve Pulmonary valve classify of pulmonary vein Branch of pulmonary vein aortal dead body Aortic eubstance Pulmonary artery Pulmonary artery Aortic branches Aortic branches Superior vena cava Superior vena cava . 2 Label the diagram. Aortic Trunk Aortic Trunk Pulmonary artery Pulmonary artery Right atrium Right atrium Left ventricle Left ventricle owing(p) cardiac vein Great cardiac vein Bradiocephalic artery Bradiocephalic artery 3. 3 State the galvan izing conduction system of the heart. Your answer needs to include a description and functioning of the SA knob, AV node, wad of His, Purkinje Fibres and L&R Bundle Branches. It might be utilizable to curb a diagram of the normal fistulous withers unit of ammunition to illustrate your answer. Watch the following presentation to reinforce your understanding of this mountain chain of events. ttp//www. nlm. nih. gov/medlineplus/ency/anatomyvideos/000021. htm 1. The brain sends electrical impulses to the heart verbalize it to beat. 2. The S-A node (sinoatrial node) receives the center and sends it along the atria sexual intercourse it to contract and push blood forward. 3. The A-V node (atrioventricular node) holds the current for 60 -80 milliseconds to allow blood to gather. 4. The A-V bundle takes the signal and passes it down the branches. 5. The purkinje fibres receive the signal. 6. The contractions happen as the fibres contract. 7. The brain sends electrical impulses to the heart telling it to beat. . The S-A node (sinoatrial node) receives the capacity and sends it along the atria telling it to contract and push blood forward. 9. The A-V node (atrioventricular node) holds the current for 60 -80 milliseconds to allow blood to gather. 10. The A-V bundle takes the signal and passes it down the branches. 11. The purkinje fibres receive the signal. 12. The contractions happen as the fibres contract. 3. 4 Describe the purpose of different types of blood vessels. Your answer must include a description of the arteries , veins, arterioles, venules and capillaries along with their function.You may wish to include a diagram in your answer. tune is transported around the body in a network of different blood vessels that come in different sizes. Arteries are the biggest of the blood vessels carrying blood away from the heart towards the vital organs and tissues but the only one that doesnt is the pulmonary artery. Arterioles branch out from the main arterie s and carry oxygenated blood to the capillaries and they are a dress circle littler and thinner than arteries. Capillaries are smaller of the vessels and lead to the tissues where they deposit oxygen and minerals and extract carbon dioxide which is a waste product.Veins carry deoxygenates blood back to the body ready to go round the system again. Venules carry deoxygenated blood away from the capillaries and branchy together to make veins. Blood is transported around the body in a network of different blood vessels that come in different sizes. Arteries are the biggest of the blood vessels carrying blood away from the heart towards the vital organs and tissues but the only one that doesnt is the pulmonary artery. Arterioles branch out from the main arteries and carry oxygenated blood to the capillaries and they are a lot smaller and thinner than arteries.Capillaries are smaller of the vessels and lead to the tissues where they deposit oxygen and minerals and extract carbon dioxide which is a waste product. Veins carry deoxygenates blood back to the body ready to go round the system again. Venules carry deoxygenated blood away from the capillaries and branchy together to make veins. 3. 5 Describe the properties of blood. Blood is essential to life your answer must describe in detail the major components of blood and their functions in maintaining homeostasis. Dont forget that blood contains more than solids.They secern components you must discuss are red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets and plasma. stick by describing their shape and size along with their function. Bloody is a specialized body roving, it has four main components, red blood cells, white blood cells, plasma and platelets. Blood has many different functions including * Transporting oxygen and nutrients to lungs and tissues * Forming blood clots to prevent senseless blood going away * Carrying cell and antibodies that crowd infection * father waste products to kidneys and liver, w hich filtrate and clean blood * Regulation body temperatureRed blood cells account for 40-45 % of blood mass they are a biconcave record book shape with a flattened centre. red blood cell contain a special protein called hemoglobin which helps carry oxygen from the lungs to rest of the body and return carbon dioxide from body to lungs to be exhaled. White blood cells protect body from infections. They are much fewer in number than red blood cells, accounting for only 1% of blood. to the highest degree common is neutrophile (immediate repartee) accounts for 55-75% of total white blood cells. Each neutrophil lives less than a day.There are other types lymphocyte which there is a T and a B lymphocyte. T attack various infected cells and tumours, B makes antibodies, which are proteins that target bacteria viruses and other foreign materials. plasm is a runniness component of blood it is a fluff of water, sugar, fat, protein and salt, plasma job is to transport blood cells thr oughout the body along with nutrients, waste product, antibodies, clotting, and proteins, chemical Messages such as hormones and proteins that help maintain bodys fluid balance.Platelets clot the blood together at the site of an injury and also contain white blood cells to stop infection entering the injury which is why the shop forms. Bloody is a specialized body fluid, it has four main components, red blood cells, white blood cells, plasma and platelets. Blood has many different functions including * Transporting oxygen and nutrients to lungs and tissues * Forming blood clots to prevent excess blood loss * Carrying cell and antibodies that fight infection * Bring waste products to kidneys and liver, which filter and clean blood * Regulation body temperatureRed blood cells account for 40-45 % of blood volume they are a biconcave disk shape with a flattened centre. RBC contain a special protein called haemoglobin which helps carry oxygen from the lungs to rest of the body and retu rn carbon dioxide from body to lungs to be exhaled. White blood cells protect body from infections. They are much fewer in number than RBCs, accounting for only 1% of blood. Most common is neutrophil (immediate response) accounts for 55-75% of total white blood cells. Each neutrophil lives less than a day.There are other types lymphocyte which there is a T and a B lymphocyte. T attack various infected cells and tumours, B makes antibodies, which are proteins that target bacteria viruses and other foreign materials. Plasma is a liquid component of blood it is a mix of water, sugar, fat, protein and salt, plasma job is to transport blood cells throughout the body along with nutrients, waste product, antibodies, clotting, and proteins, chemical Messages such as hormones and proteins that help maintain bodys fluid balance.Platelets clot the blood together at the site of an injury and also contain white blood cells to stop infection entering the wound which is why the scab forms. 4 Know how the nervous system supports body functions. 4. 1 Outline the role of the nervous system. Your answer should consider how the nervous system receives external and internal stimuli and conveys impulses not only to the brain, spinal anaesthesia cord and organs but also away from these, eliciting specific responses and in turn maintaining homeostasis. You may use diagrams and continue on a separate sheet if needed.The main function of the commutation nervous system is to send electrical impulse to the brain through the spinal cord and sends it back to the peripheral nervous system which causes to react and feel ache when hurt or unwell. Somatic restiveness have supremacy over suit of spliffs whether you can move arms or legs. Autonomic nervousness go over the bodys natural reactions such as breathing, you dont need to ascertain them they happen naturally. Sympathetic nerves control things such as accelerating your heat cycles/second and breathing rate.Homeostasis is the bo dy controlling the bodys natural state and responding to change within your natural state. The stimulus receives the capacity telling the brain the body has a change in natural response and relays a signal to receptors which is the site where it processes the instruction and relays the message to the control centre which makes the end on how to deal with the situation and return affected are back to normal state. STIMULUS RECEPTOR C N RESPONSE EFFECTORS SThe main function of the telephone exchange nervous system is to send electrical impulse to the brain through the spinal cord and sends it back to the peripheral nervous system which causes to react and feel aggravator when hurt or unwell. Somatic nerves have control over purport of joints whether you can move arms or legs. Autonomic nerves control the bodys natural reactions such as breathing, you dont need to control them they happen naturally. Sympathetic nerves control things such as accelerating your heat rhythm and breat hing rate. Homeostasis is the body controlling the bodys natural state and responding to change within your natural state.The stimulus receives the message telling the brain the body has a change in natural response and relays a signal to receptors which is the site where it processes the study and relays the message to the control centre which makes the conclusiveness on how to deal with the situation and return affected are back to normal state. STIMULUS RECEPTOR C N RESPONSE EFFECTORS S 4. 2 Identify the components of the nervous system. computer peripheral nerve Peripheral nerve spinal anesthesia cord spinal anesthesia cord Brain Brain 4. 2 Identify the components of the nervous system.Please label the diagrams. parietal lobe Parietal lobe Frontal lobe Frontal lobe occipital lobe Occipital lobe Cerebellum Cerebellum Temporal lobe Temporal lobe Spinal cord Spinal cord 5 Know how the skeletal system functions. 5. 1 Outline the role of the skeletal system. You should consider the skeletal system has several functions that include not only protection, movement and support but also blood cell production. Your answer should provide a brief explanation on how the skeletal system performs the aforementioned functions. The functions of the skeletal system are to support the main framework of the human body.It allows attachments of different tendons and muscles which form joints around the body which allow us to move arms and legs. The system also stores vital nutrients such as calcium which is stored within the bone marrow. The skeletal system also plays a vital role in defend main organs around the body e. g. heart and lung found inside the thoracic cavity. With the organs been protected this allows the body to functions correctly without beseeming injured. The functions of the skeletal system are to support the main framework of the human body.It allows attachments of different tendons and muscles which form joints around the body which allow us to move ar ms and legs. The system also stores vital nutrients such as calcium which is stored within the bone marrow. The skeletal system also plays a vital role in defend main organs around the body e. g. heart and lung found inside the thoracic cavity. With the organs been protected this allows the body to functions correctly without becoming injured. 5. 2 Label the drum of the skeleton Label the diagrams below Skull Skull sternum Sternum Patella Patella Sacrum Sacrum ulna ulna Radius Radius Humerus Humerus Ribs RibsMetatarsals Metatarsals tibia Tibia Fibula Fibula thighbone Femur Radius Radius Ulna Ulna Scapular Scapular collarbone Clavicle 5. 3 Describe the different types of skeletal joints. Your answer must provide a full description of the different types of joints in the human body. It would be useful to identify where these joints are and if needed provide a diagram. Fibrous joints are fixed or unmovable, staying same place and neer move shape or size. cartilaginous joints ca n move partly but cannot fully move within the body. E. g. rib cage, spinal column. Saddle joints, only allow flexing and extending of different limbs but cannot be rotated.The pollex is the only bone with a weight joint. Hinge joint, elbow, fingers, knees. Movement only occurs in one direction, usually forward. The knee is an expulsion it allows the foot and lower leg to move side to side. Gilding joints allow two or more joints to move against each other without any grinding or friction. Pivot joints allow up to 360 degree Movement in certain joints for example the wrist is very flexible and has full gyration. Ball joints are a puffiness and socket joint and they provide movement and rotation such as your hips and shoulders. Fibrous joints are fixed or unmovable, staying same place and never move shape or size.Cartilaginous joints can move partly but cannot fully move within the body. E. g. rib cage, spinal column. Saddle joints, only allow flexing and extending of different limbs but cannot be rotated. The thumb is the only bone with a send joint. Hinge joint, elbow, fingers, knees. Movement only occurs in one direction, usually forward. The knee is an elision it allows the foot and lower leg to move side to side. Gilding joints allow two or more joints to move against each other without any grinding or friction. Pivot joints allow up to 360 degree Movement in certain joints for example the wrist is very flexible and has full rotation.Ball joints are a ball and socket joint and they provide movement and rotation such as your hips and shoulders. 5. 4 Outline the consanguinity between the muscular system and the skeleton Your answer must include the functions of ligaments, tendons and muscles in relation to bones and joints e. g. ligaments, attach one bone to another(prenominal) at the site of a joint tendons continuous with the event covering each muscle and tie to the outer surface of a bone, another muscle or the skin, muscles, generate force to produce movement.The muscular skeletal system is made up of all bones in the body and the joints and muscles that surround them this allows movement of different muscles and protection of our vital organs inside our human body. The muscular skeletal system is made up of all bones in the body and the joints and muscles that surround them this allows movement of different muscles and protection of our vital organs inside our human body. Supplementary resources and reading All the web golf involvements are interactive resources that you can utilise to reinforce and consolidate your understanding of the anatomy and physiology of the human body.These are interesting and instructive interactive staffs that you should enjoy completing. These are not compulsory however it will help you in your continued study towards becoming an Emergency Care Assistant and further in your career as a pre hospital professional. It would be helpful once you have ideal these interactive modules to provide a screen print of the last page confirming you have completed the module, placing this in your portfolio under unit 11 anatomy and physiology. Using the web merge below complete the online learning module that check overs the pulmonary and systemic circulation 1. http//www. wisc-online. om/Objects/ViewObject. aspx? ID=AP12704 Use the connexion below to reinforce your understanding of the anatomy of the respiratory system 2. http//www. wisc-online. com/Objects/ViewObject. aspx? ID=OTA1004 The following marry enquires the mechanism of breathing and the process of external and internal respiration 3. http//www. wisc-online. com/Objects/ViewObject. aspx? ID=AP15104 Use the cogitate below to consolidate your understanding of the cardiovascular system 4. http//www. wisc-online. com/Objects/ViewObject. aspx? ID=OTA1304 This link enables you to further investigate blood and the cells found within it. 5. http//www. isc-online. com/Objects/ViewObject. aspx? ID=CLT103 6. http//www. wisc -online. com/Objects/ViewObject. aspx? ID=AP14604 7. http//www. wisc-online. com/Objects/ViewObject. aspx? ID=AP14704 This link is a crossword puzzle that asks you to identify common cardiovascular diseases, be warned it is preferably difficult. 8. http//www. wisc-online. com/Objects/ViewObject. aspx? ID=GEN2405 The nervous system is of paramount vastness to maintain homeostasis, use these links to investigate the nervous system further. The links will enable you to have a full understanding of the brain, the sympathetic nervous system and nerve fibres. 9. ttp//www. wisc-online. com/Objects/ViewObject. aspx? ID=AP14404 10. http//www. wisc-online. com/Objects/ViewObject. aspx? ID=AP2704 11. http//www. wisc-online. com/Objects/ViewObject. aspx? ID=OTA502 12. http//www. wisc-online. com/Objects/ViewObject. aspx? ID=COS1903 This link follows on from the nervous system and gives a brief insight into brain injury 13. http//www. wisc-online. com/Objects/ViewObject. aspx? ID=OTA1104 The s keletal system enables the human form to remain upright, use this link to name the bones contained within the skeleton and the skull 14. http//www. wisc-online. com/Objects/ViewObject. spx? ID=MEA304 15. http//www. wisc-online. com/Objects/ViewObject. aspx? ID=AP12904 16. http//www. wisc-online. com/Objects/ViewObject. aspx? ID=COS1503 This final resource is produced by the BBC, again very interactive and sallows you to lay down your knowledge of a variety of body systems. 17. http//www. bbc. co. uk/science/humanbody/body/interactives/3djigsaw_02/index. shypertext markup language As part of your role as a ECA you will be required to measure a patients blood pressure, utilise the interactive tutorial to familiarise yourself with blood pressure, its measurement and proceeds of abnormality 18. http//www. nlm. ih. gov/medlineplus/tutorials/hypertension/htm/_no_50_no_0. htm 19. http//www. nlm. nih. gov/medlineplus/tutorials/hypertension/htm/index. htm (allows you to transfer notes to the presentation) 20. http//www. nlm. nih. gov/medlineplus/ency/anatomyvideos/000013. htm This resource contains hundreds on interactive tutorials on a variety of diseases, this is a precious research tool for you to use at your leisure 21. http//www. nlm. nih. gov/medlineplus/tutorials. html Interactive staff Links Tracking Sheet Watched Y/N Comment 1. http//www. wisc online. com/Objects/ViewObject. aspx? ID=AP12704 2. http//www. isc-online. com/Objects/ViewObject. aspx? ID=OTA1004 3. http//www. wisc-online. com/Objects/ViewObject. aspx? ID=AP15104 4. http//www. wisc-online. com/Objects/ViewObject. aspx? ID=OTA1304 5. http//www. wisc-online. com/Objects/ViewObject. aspx? ID=CLT103 6. http//www. wisc-online. com/Objects/ViewObject. aspx? ID=AP14604 7. http//www. wisc-online. com/Objects/ViewObject. aspx? ID=AP14704 8. http//www. wisc-online. com/Objects/ViewObject. aspx? ID=GEN2405 9. http//www. wisc-online. com/Objects/ViewObject. aspx? ID=AP14404 10. http//www. wisc-online. com/ Objects/ViewObject. aspx? ID=AP2704 11. ttp//www. wisc-online. com/Objects/ViewObject. aspx? ID=OTA502 12. http//www. wisc-online. com/Objects/ViewObject. aspx? ID=COS1903 13. http//www. wisc-online. com/Objects/ViewObject. aspx? ID=OTA1104 14. http//www. wisc-online. com/Objects/ViewObject. aspx? ID=MEA304 15. http//www. wisc-online. com/Objects/ViewObject. aspx? ID=AP12904 16. http//www. wisc-online. com/Objects/ViewObject. aspx? ID=COS1503 17. http//www. bbc. co. uk/science/humanbody/body/interactives/3djigsaw_02/index. shtml 18. http//www. nlm. nih. gov/medlineplus/tutorials/hypertension/htm/_no_50_no_0. htm 19. http//www. nlm. ih. gov/medlineplus/tutorials/hypertension/htm/index. htm (allows you to download notes to the presentation) 20. http//www. nlm. nih. gov/medlineplus/ency/anatomyvideos/000013. htm 21. http//www. nlm. nih. gov/medlineplus/tutorials. html Criteria Achieved(? ) AssessorsComments Internal Verifiers Comments 1. 1 Label the structure of a typical cell 1. 2 Outline the definition of tissue 1. 3 Outline the definition of an organ 1. 4 Outline the definition of a body system 1. 5 Define directional terms used in medicine 1. 6 Label major organs within the body cavities . 1 Describe the function of the respiratory system 2. 2 Label the components of the respiratory tract 2. 3 Describe the structure of the lungs 2. 4 Outline the process of respiration 2. 5 Describe the initial management of asthma 3. 1 Outline the role of thecardiovascular system 3. 2 Label the structure of the heart 3. 3 State the electrical conduction system of the heart 3. 4 Describe the purpose of different types of blood vessels 3. 5Describe the properties of blood 4. 1 Outline the role of the nervous system 4. Identify the components of the nervous system 5. 1 Outline the role of the skeletal system 5. 2 Label the bones of the skeleton 5. 3 Describe the different types of skeletal joints 5. 4 Outline the r elationship between the muscular system and the skeleton public Comments Areas for Improvement Assessor Signature escort Learner Signature Date Internal Verifier Signature Date

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