Saturday, July 27, 2019

Change has to be planned and directed from the top or otherwise the Essay

Change has to be planned and directed from the top or otherwise the organisation would be out of control. Discuss reasons for agreeing and disagreeing with this statement. Use examples - Essay Example ever, in order to understand the needs of the organization and implement the required changes within the company, it is necessary that the leaders of the organization are capable of anticipating, identifying, strategizing, planning and implementing them in an organized and timely manner. While it might be of a general view that only the top management is more capable of planning and directing changes within an organization, studies have also focused on the fact that any individual who is a member of the organization might initiate a needed change. Moreover, in the present context of changing working environment, the employees prefer to get involved in the decision making processes as well (Stadtlà ¤nder, 2006, p.17). The present study focuses on an understanding whether organizational change has to be planned and directed from the top or otherwise the organisation would be out of control. Management of change within an organization requires considerate planning, performance and effective discussion as well with all those people who would be affected owing to the changes. The changes need to be sensible, attainable and assessable. The individuals or the authorities implementing the changes need to understand and manage the changes in such a manner such that the members of the organization can easily handle and accept those changes for the betterment of the organizational objectives as a whole. In this context, there is logical thinking necessary for the correct decision making. Thus, while considering such changes, the opinions and acceptance of all the people who might be affected also need to be considered (Change Management, 2012). It can be realized that in order to consider these above mentioned understanding and implementation of changes, matured minds would be required to take the decisions, to involve all other members in choosing the right changing policies. The employees or organizational members other than the top management might not have the sufficient

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