Friday, July 19, 2019

The Changing Role of Human Resources :: Human Resources Essays

Introduction In most companies today, the HR function provides vital services to such stakeholders as job applicants, workers, supervisors, middle managers, and executives. Yet, the HR function tends to be located at the end of the business chain, on the reactive side, and too frequently centers on carrying out actions rather than achieving outcomes. The role of the HR function is frequently one of providing people, training, and secluded HR efforts after others have formulated organizational strategy and have initiated operational accomplishment. Cost centered management of worker benefits programs such as health insurance, workers' compensation, and pension plans have also figure outstandingly in an effort to control out of control operating costs (Dunn, 2006). Discussion The HRM department at our company does not really play a strategic role in the organization. Presently they spend the majority of their time doing the day to day things like hiring people, training, and other HR efforts that allow the business to function everyday. In order for business to achieve success in the every changing business world it is important for HR departments to become more strategically aligned with the overall goals and efforts of companies. There are three key reasons why businesses are changing their methods. The first is reducing costs. HR departments should no longer want to be seen as just a support function and cost center, they need to show their value. Secondly, it is the competitiveness of business today and the fight to employ and retain people that will help drive the business. Finally, HR departments are now expected to have an understanding of how other departments function in order to make a valuable contribution to the whole of the business (Brockway, 2007). The HR professional who will succeed in guiding their organizations into the future will be those who understand and use business strategy; understand corporate culture, plans and policies; recognize future problems and work solutions; can deal with all types of people; can communicate well verbally and in writing; and can recognize, recruit and train future executives. As organizations continue to move towards collective systems and combined financial resources for managing their human capital, we are likely to see more organizational structures combining both HR and Organizational Development (OD). The time has come to quit debating OD's involvement in HR systems and seek the present opportunities of showcasing the skills of OD in building organizational capacity and having a measurable impact on workforce productivity.

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