Tuesday, July 23, 2019

The History of circumcision in Jewish religion Research Paper

The History of circumcision in Jewish religion - Research Paper Example Hypotheses explain: to mark the beginning of adulthood, to demonstrate higher social status, to extend sexual pleasure, for personal hygiene. Nonetheless, no one can truly explain the reasons behind emergence of this culture and why it spread. Male circumcision consists of the surgical removal of some, or all, of the foreskin (or prepuce) from the penis. It is one of the most common procedures in the world. For followers of Islamic and Jewish religion it is religious ritual. In the United States, it is practiced mainly for hygienic reasons (3). Judaism adopted circumcision thru Moses who left Egypt with Hebrew Slaves. Moses is considered to be the Father of Jewish laws, traditions, and administrative authority. Commandant of circumcision plays significant role in Jewish religion, as some rabbis believed that Mosses was not admitted into Heaven, as he was not circumcised. Circumcision is an outward physical sign for Jewish people that show the eternal covenant between God and Jewish people. It also depicts that Jewish people will be perpetuated through the circumcised man. Because of fulfillment of commandant of circumcision, God in return ensures fertility to the Jewish people. Circumcision is applied to all male Jewish and it is a religious ritual. Circumcision, according to the Jewish custom is typically being performed on the eighth day after birth. Since the time of Mosses, it has been the symbolic confirmation the male infant spiritually belongs to Jewish community. Judaism teaches that GOD gave the Jews 613 commandants, and one out them is called Brit Millah, which literally translates to Covenant of Circumcision. The commandant of circumcision is given at Genesis 17:10-14 and Lev. 12:3 (4). This covenant was originally made with Abraham. This ritual ever since the time of Abraham has been practiced for close to 4,000 years (6) . In the Torah, God says to Abraham that circumcision is a part man’s

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