Friday, July 26, 2019

Theology (The Bible and Archeology) questions Research Paper

Theology (The Bible and Archeology) questions - Research Paper Example Because of this need, aspects of the political, economic, and commercialized powers had to be held in check in order to create fair trade. Ashlar construction is a method of cutting stone in a rectangular shape with a very even symmetry of cut and using the material instead of brick for building. The stone is usually a smooth finish, although it can be decorated with a scraped in design. The Latin root of the word citadel is the civis, which is also the root of the words city and citizen. A citadel is a part of the means of protecting the city through the use of barriers, most commonly walls, that are surrounding a central fortified structure that is the last means of protection against invaders. This last structure, the citadel, is usually taller than the other buildings, can act as the location of the highest political power, and is built to withstand a great assault. Within the citadel the citizens could wait out a siege with the hope that the invader did not have the strength to breach this last hold. Because the city of Jerusalem is built on a mountain it has a great amount of protection from invaders. However, the availability of water during a siege is greatly hampered by this construction. The Siloam Tunnel, built by Hezekiah in 701 B.C., is beneath the Ophel and can act as a aqueduct to transport water to the city. There is evidence of cro-magnon and Neanderthal remains within the area of Canaan from the Paleolithic era. Neanderthal remains date from the Middle Paleolithic age, while Cro-magnon remains date from around 40,000 - 10,000 B. C. There is also evidence that man settled in the area of Jericho as early as 9000 B.C. within agricultural communities. Earlier civilizations were hunting gathering communities. The two Neolithic phases are defined by the pre-pottery stage and the pottery stage. The pre-pottery phase of the Neolithic phase is distinguished by the emergence of Jericho as

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